A Hypnotizing Timelapse Captures An Atmospheric Standing Wave


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2013
Lenticular clouds are the visible manifestation
of an atmospheric standing wave.

This hypnotizing timelapse captures the clouds
pulsing and reforming in a fixed location in space
mountains of clouds mirroring the mountains of
rock in the landscape below.

Lenticular clouds form when moist air cools as it
rises over a topographic obstruction (like a mountain)
condensing into clouds.

While the individual particles move in a constant current
the features of the wave remain fixed in space.

The result is a visual standing wave, with water constantly
condensing into clouds as the air rises to the wave crest
then evaporating back into vapour as the air drops down
to the trough.

The individual components are constantly in motion, but
the locational features of the wave stand in place.

Filmed at the Mount Washington Observatory in New Hampshire
on February 3, 2012, this stack of lenticular clouds echo layers of
moist and dry air forced into waves by the mountain range below.

The timelapse condenses time in a ratio of more than 10:1, collecting
over ten minutes of footage into less than a minute to highlight the
constant movement of the clouds forming and dissipating along the
standing wave.

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Lenticular Time Lapse 02-03-12

" It seems meringue "