About the hijackers / links stealers...

what if that poster got the file same time as you and uploaded to HIS MU account AND RS account but YOU beat him to it posting yours with the MU account so he posted with his RS account in your thread would that smooth it away ?

Putting aside the fact that you stole corporate material, it is true that you worked hard to share porn with people. But if somebody else works just as hard as you do, is it really fair to say to him, "First come, first serve?" or is it fairer to laissez faire and let the best man win?

[hide]While I can see some people arguing in favor of "first come, first serve" if two men try to upload links for the same file to the same DDL service provider, I cannot see anyone who believes in "first come, first serve" policies suggesting that whoever uploads the file first in any form whatsoever holds a monopoly on how that file may be posted here.

It would be like saying this:
I took time off work to scan my copy of a hentai manga. This is illegal, but I worked hard on it anyway, so tough noogies.

I upload my scan to the forum as ten direct attachments.

Somebody else tries to post a torrent of the manga. I say, "No, you can't. I already called dibs. If anyone's gonna be posting a torrent of this manga, it's gonna be me!" I disregard the fact that this person may also have purchased the manga, taken a day off work to scan it, and seeded the torrent at the expense of his own bandwidth.

Somebody else tries to post a DDL of this manga. I tell him that he can't do this either.

Somebody else tries to post a DDL of this manga and it's a much better scan than mine. I say, "No dice. I get to decide if and when someone else can upload the better scan."

On and on it goes. Do you see the absurdity of this all? Laying dibs to porn is dumb. Getting angry that somebody pirated your porn when you yourself pirated it from someone else is even dumber. A guy in Japan fucking stole porn from a company. Then you got it from him and created your own download service for it. He screwed the company, you screwed him: so why is it that that's okay but if somebody comes along and screws you then suddenly it's not okay anymore?[/hide]

Unfortunately, the discussion here isn't quite this simple. It's not just about whether or not multiple people should be allowed to upload the same data. The issue at hand is about whether or not posting in a thread with a different means for procuring the same data constitutes as thread hijacking or not; and if it does, then whether or not we as a community care or not;

* I am for multiple sources for the same data. Let the people choose!
* I am for grouping the links together in the same thread. Personal peference.
* I am for a thread's author having the authority to decide for himself whether or not he will allow other people to post links in his threads.

If Desu doesn't want people to post links in his threads which would compete with his own services, I think that's perfectly reasonable. Piracy or not, he did work hard on this, and the links may jeopardize his profits. But then again, like zappy pointed out, nobody died and made Desu the king of the data he uploads. Everyone has as much a right (or as little a right, lol!) to upload that data as does Desu.

I wish that a guy like Desu would let other people post their links in his threads. I wish he would because to me it would make the forum a lot less cluttered. But I also don't think it's right to force that decision upon Desu. If he wants nobody to post links in his threads, fair enough. If he wants nobody to post these links ever again once he's provided them to A-O, then with all due respect no way.
should i really reply to this (the last post on page 2, not the one above)? and somebody thanked it too...

this matter is settled; i don't understand why you had to post such a nonsense... oh well

wish i hadn't read this thread

same here

and what does it matter really you have a job this surely cannot be your only source of income and who cares if it is lol not me, find a better source of income

oh...ahahahahahhahaha ahahahhahahahah
this alone has made my day, thank you SO much

edit because Sakunyuusha posted while i was writing:
If he wants nobody to post these links ever again once he's provided them to A-O, then with all due respect no way.

no. i said it 1000 times. but it doesn't matter anymore. i've solved my problem by myself (see my recent posts as examples).
everybody can do whatever they please with my links.

i'm sorry for opening a thread so stupid.
you all are right and i'm wrong.
i can't call somebody thief, while is ok for the others to make fun of me.
i'm old and i can't keep up with those youngsters.

now let this die, should we?