Actresses Who Convincingly Convey Consternation


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
I'm not saying many JAV actresses don't do a good job of expressing how much trouble they are in, within the usual damsel-in-distress movies. But aside from the troubled expressions and the little-girl squeals, we usually don't get much more.

I'm referring to "soft r***" movies, where the assailant is the boss, the brother/father-in-law, and not what you might call an "official criminal." For example, while I don't go for "hard r***" movies, one that I downloaded recently is fresh on my mind -- because it employed a theme I like, mothers and daughters. (Happened to be Content Limits - Assaulted Mother and Daughter Video So Tragic That It Stirred Controversy [EQ-228], if you must know.) In this kind of movie, we get the requisite kicking and screaming... but I'm not talking about such extreme reactions. (And I know r*** is r***, and there is really no such thing as soft or hard; just trying to make a distinction for the purposes of our discussion... so get off my case already, willya.)

While going on and on with making myself clear, I'd also like to dispatch with another possibility of reaction, which may only be called as "Looking for JAV Where Woman Get r***ing But 'Desperately Try to Act Tough'"... as the thread devoted to that particular topic termed it.

No, what we're talking about is the usual. The lady gets attacked, she protests, gives in quickly, looks disturbed/or is in such turmoil, she looks completely at a loss, and then her reactions are quickly replaced by orgasmic surrender.

This is why when I chanced upon...

Rin Ogawa

RBD-679- cover.jpg

RBD-679- cover

...I really stood up and took notice. She may not be the most "beautiful" woman, but I tell you, when I caught her in Obedient Careerwoman [RBD-679], well... here is how I worded it when I first wrote about her on this page:

She is a wonderful actress, conveying the sense of despair and entrapment and fear better than the average jeopardized lass. She makes for an excellent lady in distress, and I'm happy to see she has done many more ATTACKERS movies...

In the clutches of Scraggly

Maybe she hams it up a little, but she gives the kind of performance that really adds to one's "turn-on" machinery. She pops open her eyes as if to say "how can this be happening?" and she gurgles... she sticks out her tongue... she's absolutely terrific!

Panic. Desperation. These are the qualities that can really enhance a damsel-in-distress performance, but often go missing with the walkthroughs many other actresses can muster.

Another of her titles where she excelled was Married Office Lady, Document of Passion, To the Fringes of Shame... [ADN-044]. I've also seen her in another vehicle where she tried her hand at a more aggressive role, and I noticed she put a lot of heart into that kind of role, as well. She is simply superb.

In the She Stands Out in a Crowd thread, I pointed out another actress who adds another layer to her performances with her great expressions, and that actress is Yurie Matsushima.

Yurie Matsushima  JUC-989 - AV Debut.jpg
JUC-989 - AV Debut

Here is what I wrote:

...What I like about Yurie is that she doesn't simply "take it" and suffer, like the bulk of the other JAV actresses . She really conveys that deer-caught-in-the-headlights type of sensibility. She is so amazingly expressive, allowing us to read all kinds of emotions -- including surprise, reluctance, disgust, helplessness and ultimately, pleasure. I find her to be very special.

Finally, another actress who manages a better-than-average job with her "going-the-extra-mile" reactions is...

Maika Asai


It was Blah13 (one of our members who unfortunately does not blah-blah too often) who pointed out Maika's preferred propensity to perform perturbedly. It was only later that I remembered how much I love Maika Asai, as I had also spotlighted in the She Stands Out in a Crowd thread. I remembered how much I appreciated her in Beautiful Big-Breasted 50-Year-Old Wife Rendered a Sex Object to Be Cum Inside Of [EMBZ-002], among other movies.

Blah13 mentioned that it was MAC-24 ("Mother Endures Satisfaction") where he had first taken notice of her, and while he did not find her spectacular at first, "something about her performance just wouldn't let my mind forget about her." We can't say that sort of thing about many actresses, so already that is a kind of ringing endorsement. (You can check out MAC-24 in the archives. I also see Casshern2 has recently offered, with one of his beautiful watermark-free gifts to us, Maika in TSH-007, where she has been featured among others.)

I dug up Maika from MEYD-838, one from the "Friend's Mother - I Got Banged By My Son's Friends, And Came Over and Over..." series, a series I have an appreciation for... and she was unsurprisingly enjoyable to watch. Yet it was Married Woman Bound and Taken By Other Guys [JUX-309] where I got a better sense of Maika's ability to emote more-than-the-usual devastation. I'll need to study her more carefully, and maybe you will, too.

While I've got you, I'd like to add a thought that applies to the damsel-in-distress movies. I've noticed a new twist to some of the movies of this mold (especially refreshing, because one weak point about JAV is that they usually follow the exact same formula with a series idea... sometimes scene-by-scene. It's very frustrating when they rarely add any kind of a twist, as if they are convinced what they have come up with is so perfect). It's this:

Once the breakthrough has been made with the victim, we now sometimes get a series of very brief vignettes, showing the villain having sex with the victim in different settings... giving the idea that the victim has been hopelessly ensnared even deeper. Whomever came up with that idea got to the heart of the matter, and I wish they would have come up with it sooner. (Naturally, this is also one idea now being used over and over, in faithful formula repetition, but it happens to be one I hope they will keep using.)

All right. So to wrap up, the idea is to point out actresses who noticeably express the composure they are losing, going beyond the usual acting job. The kind of extra effort that make the goings-on more believable -- and more kinky -- as opposed to a lot of actresses who simply go through the motions.

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Always enjoy your posts jugulear. Keep up the good work. :D

As you mention, Attackers is a studio that seems to be dedicated to this type of movie and having had a number of her movies translated recently i've got to say that Natsume Iroha does a great job in portraying the type of performance that you have described.

On top of her stunning looks, she's also quite a good actress and therefore always gives a convincing performance.


adn00063jp-12.jpg rbd00698jp-4.jpg rbd00698jp-6.jpg rbd00706jp-2.jpg rbd00706jp-11.jpg rbd00716jp-3.jpg shkd00612jp-2.jpg shkd00612jp-4.jpg
I really must agree on Rin Ogawa. I first notice her in


where she played a lawyer defending the protaganist r**ist , well the guy got a way of thanking her. I can't seem to find the video again sorry , but I can only say , her roleplaying is one of a kind which I can't really find in other actress. She really express distress , reluctance and resistance to an artful level. Definitely not those closing their eyes and say no no no and just both hand grabbing the pillow stereotypes and not showing too much resistance that the attacker have to react violently (thats quite distasteful to me personally) . In fact she uses many subtle actions in additions to her expression-full (distress+resistance) look to complement , like trying to pull her panties back up. But it might be a personal preference ,I like comparing her to Yui Hatano type attackers movies where imo Yui is real pretty and with a great body (dun flame me Yui fans), but other than that , she practically a vase in a movie .. Rin Ogawa really put her heart into the movie , its just not another AV for her , you can really feel it

Like jug say , a noteworthy thing is she isn't that spectacular "wow" factor , she does have great jugs ( sorry for the puns jug). But she does have an issue with her size. She is those type that get easily plump , not that I am against plump women. Having seen her in this size and later in another size kinda strung me abit. In fact i think she actually got a hiatus in production for a few months every now and then because she got balloon too much from her actual size. And tbh I think they photoshop alot of her cover too


Either its an optical illusion , or its way she that thin at the waist. But still the only problem I have with her is her helmet shape hair. I really don't think it suits her wide face >.< , other than that I recommend watching her vids if you are more into expressions and antics.
I see I have several of Iroha Natsume's movies (pretty good-looking lady), and now I will pay closer attention to her acting chops. Thank you for pointing her our, Motiman, as well as for your kind comments.

Man, did I enjoy Kessari's beautiful post, further fleshing out the reasons why Rin Ogawa is so fabulous... as well as making some spot-on points regarding her appearance; members, you've got to check her out, even if she is not your idea of Miss Universe.

"Her roleplaying is one of a kind which I can't really find in other actress..." Wow. That is one hell of a testimonial, and it is not a coincidence that Rin Tin-Tin'ed me, as well.

It is not easy, but if you are aware of other JAV thespians whom you regard as beyond the norm, please make sure to point them out.

I've already bookmarked her for some time, but I guess I really should pay more attention to Rin Ogawa. :)
Nice boobs and good acting - sounds great. :D
Mio Kayama


Let's get one thing out of the way; I'm not saying Mio Kayama is an extraordinary actress, as the striking example mentioned above. She made an impression on me, however, from:

Real Teacher With Big Boobs Who Was Compelled to Model in the Nude [WANZ-370]

Above two shots are from WANZ-370

And you know what that means, don't you? I don't mean the "Big Boobs" part that might make Gentleman Codegeek happy. Besides that... well, I don't know what it means. So let's get back to Mio Kayama (whose name in Japanese translates to "Kayama Yoshisakura").

Thing about Mio Kayama is that she has an expression that advertises "distress." She's kind of one-dimensional, as she always has that one face. I'm clickin' on the screen shots from her Asian Screens page, and keep running into that face again and again. These following two examples are from films I did not make a record of, but trust me. Open up pretty much any screen shot page, and you will run into that face.

Mio Kayama.jpg

Speaking of her face, while I don't find it heart-poundingly beautiful, when she makes that face... she's kind of irresistible. Another endearing thing about her is that she wears the same face when she's in agony... and in ecstasy.

Mio Kayama-2.jpg

Here I am, speaking about Mio Kayama as though I'm an expert, when all I'm judging her by are screen shots, and her performance in the fine flick, WANZ-370. But I think I'm on to something. And —
oh — one more thing that I like about her, even though I would not classify her as chubby, is that I think she has the right amount of meat on her bones.

The idea of this thread was to point out superb actresses who expertly express their discomfort or desperation. Once again, I don't know if Ms. Kayama deserves a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for being a superlative actress, but she sure lets us know beautifully the deep water she finds herself in.

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I'm gonna make a lengthy post for today... (lengthy=more than 1 sentence).

I have a special movie in mind with this kind of scenario...

By Kogawa Iori... Too bad that my type of actress don't make enough films for me to be satisfied with their... uhmmm acting.

A damsel in distress, too helpless, she can't even do a thing to her attackers.
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Kinda off-topic but Iori Kogawa is insanely hot. Wow. And her acting is good too? I need to download one of her movies ASAP.

Maybe a tiny bit "off-topic," Pikuseru, but a point that merits making!

Iori Kogawa [STAR-578].jpg
Iori Kogawa in Gangster Woman, Nakadashi r*** [STAR-578]

Thanks so much for your
Iori Kogawa recommendation, Dimitrixanxus; I'm not sure I get the idea she is a cut above the norm, as an actress. No doubt she does a suitable job as a distressed damsel, as do the lot of JAV actresses, but of course, the idea here is that there is something special about her acting that draws attention. But maybe she fills this bill perfectly, just that I didn't infer that from what you wrote. I see I have only one movie of hers that I have downloaded, but what I'm going to do is seek the movie you mentioned and pay special mind to how she comes across. At the least, I thank you for pointing out that particular movie (Gang r*** of a Stepmother - Young Mother Rendered a Pet and Violated By Her Sons' Friends [STAR-561]), it sounds like much fun. (There is another of hers I'm going to keep an eye out for, Teacher Gang r*** Cream Pie Disgrace [STAR-469]; looking at her Asian Screens page, I see all of her movies are from STAR, so she probably is a contract girl for Soft on Demand. I also noticed she has a "different" nose, and I made sure to point that out on this thread.)

I'm getting the idea it's going to be tough to point out women who wow us with extraordinary emoting in the distress movies, so as with my last example of Mio Kayama, I guess the thing to focus on is that something special in the way they come across with their acting, rather than being a great actress. Does that make sense? A special quality, in other words (and this has nothing to do with their looks), that allows attention to be drawn on them, more than for the usual JAV actress in these situations (the kind that do well enough with "closing their eyes and say no no no and just both hand grabbing the pillow stereotypes," as Kessari put it expertly.)

I've got such an actress in mind:

Yuna Hayashi

Yuna Hayashi ABP-231.jpg
A Hospitable Retreat, Where a Married Woman's the Boss, Nakadashi Komatsu [ABP-231]

(Quite beautiful, isn't she?)

As an actress, she gets the job done well enough — apart from that, I'm not saying she's super-talented. What she's got, in her distress movies, is a unique... aura.

The movie where I first took notice of her was Incapable of Being a Mother - Proper Mother Seduced By a Brat and Trained By His Juvenile Cock Transforms Into a Semen Tank Swine! [DVDES-786]...

Yuna Hayashi DVDES-786.jpg

The reason why she stood our for me was because she transmits a certain sadness... an air that potently adds to her helplessness. In other words, while she may not be black, she's got... soul.

Yuna Hayashi DVDES-786-2.jpg

The fact that she was paired off with Urchin (A.K.A. The Concentration Camp Survivor, in his previous guise) was particularly appropriate, because he too gives off a certain vibe that makes one ask... what is behind those blank stares? (Only in his case, he comes across as creepy.)

Yuna Hayashi [JUX-580].jpg
So lovely in Married Woman Gang-r***ing By a Household Full of Big Cocks [JUX-580] (654 MB)

Another movie where she exhibited this "soulful lostfulness" (yeah, yeah, I know that's not a real word; maybe I was thinking of "The Island of Lost Souls," although she is certainly far from a "manimal." Come to think of it, there was a beautiful manimal in those movies, wasn't there? Maybe she is a manimal) in a most divine fashion was Friend's Mother - Ashamed Without a Bra [JUX-386], where she was paired off with the Japanese Hedgehog.

Yuna Hayashi [JUX-386].jpg

Yuna Hayashi has made more regular porn than those of the distressed variety, but if you like the thrills and chills offered by the latter category, you may want to check her out.

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I'm going to deviate from the theme for a moment, if you will permit me. As you know the idea is to showcase the actresses who are a cut above the usual, as far as convincingly conveying consternation. I'm going to forget about the second part, and focus only on the first, an actress who is better than usual.

She is an actress I have never heard of, and have never seen in action. The only reason why I wanted to mention her was because I ran into this post that raved about her, and the author, Mr. Mago, is an Akiba-Online member who must be related to E.F. Hutton, from the old commercials. That is, when he speaks, people need to listen.

The lady is Ayane Suzukawa (涼川絢音), and here is her Asian Screens page.

The movie she excelled in is called Doting - Father Needs to Be Around Or Else I'll Feel Lonely [AVOP-155].


I am not a fan of father-daughter incest movies, but this shot grabbed my attention:


The shot masterfully illustrates the girl's longing for daddy (or at least that's how it came across to me! Who knows, maybe it meant "I am trying to recover after being assaulted"), which is a refreshing change-of-pace for the usual situation where the daughter rightly shows consternation.


And here is Ayane in the more typical situation, harassed by Mr. Dignified, in
Stepfather's Strange Sexual Desire, Daughter's Body Rendered a Plaything Behind Her Mother's Back [HBAD-282].

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Big fan of FA Pro Platinum and the movies by Hama Ryuuji are always interesting. They always feel familiar but with just enough changes to make sure it's not just a rehash of previous titles, which is always a trap too many series fall into.

I would love to see a translation as i'm never sure if the girls are enjoying themselves or being forced against their will. To be honest it is probably a bit of both so there is always an opportunity to see them 'display consternation' to a certain degree.
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Not sure if any of you guys remember Yuri Kousaka

From the internet I read that she was into an not well known idol group and was in the those boarding house for training actresses and idol grp. However things never got successful for her and she remain relatively low profile and she went into AV industry. She got those rebellious youthful look. (and a killer bod) I find that she is seriously underrated and really put in efforts in acting the AVs.

I first noticed her in
Attacker RIT schoolgirl 84

She portrayed a transfer student in a new school , r***ing by her classmate , then by her teacher whom she trusted. Attacker's SHKD RIT label really target those with JK uniform fetish. However many RIT title actress usually sub par in portraying the role and repetitive and sometime even ridiculous story lines ruining this promising label.

In the first part there actually where the classmate r*** her , he actually beat her up which I find it distasteful which I would skip.

Later in a classroom group blowjob scene


She really squirm left to right and not just stand there showing a >.< face

after the classmates were done


She really portrayed blank / tiredness , then followed by anger and frustration by wiping the dripping cum of her mouth and flinging heavily on the floor , if I am a producer I get her in my movie man.
Then as the story goes on , Tubby the teacher show care and concern for her and she gradually trust him.
But later when the classmates found out , they tied her up and entice tubby to go on her. Well I can't blame tubby for succumbing.

Compare to other actresses saying no... her veins on her side head already popping man , she meant business when she say no...
After tubby finished her off with her creampie , I found her end looks really most mesmerizing in all the attacker movie I seen so far

SHKD-338-4.jpg First blankness and total loss look (yep those boobs too) and lotsa glistening sweat on her chest and busties, I always wonder if she really sweat it out or they spray it. Tbh I think former. Never seen so much uniformed sweat on any label unless those sweaty heat theme.

SHKD-338-5.jpg Tubby beg for forgiveness while she still managed a blank loss look staring into space . Most actress would just close their eyes and wait for the scene to finish

SHKD-338-6.jpg Finally she showed "Can't blame you but this really sucks" soulful look. And did I mentioned she really look pretty and those ...
And one thing to note specially , the few last shots , she is panting heavily , more indications she really into it, and seeing her chest going up and down , omg...yes she was panting that hard.

Later tubby betray her trust and find another teacher to join in the fun. Well attacker movies...

I kinda hooked on her after this movie , but sadly most of her earlier movies are from S1 , and S1 movies are usually quite themeless and unable for her to fufil her capacity imo. This is one of the best AV I can find , others of her is either themeless sex or too focused theme like some kinda of imprisoned tortured school girl theme which is not actually my cup of tea. And then she did an early retirement i think and no more movies. T.T
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Excellent post. Bravo, Kessari.

(Others who also enjoyed the above composition may also want to check out this other Kessari post, similarly getting into consternation conveyance. In short, Shelly Fujii and Mei Matsumoto received good marks, at least with individual performances.)

Well, I want this 2008 "SHKD" movie. I see there are K2S links going for 1.4 GB in the movie's JavLibrary page, but far better is a working 947 MB download from friendly MEGA. What's interesting is that the one behind the link ("Bridgerman") must be a Yuri Kousaka fan (me, I've never heard of the actress, nor have I ever downloaded anything with her), because he also included a mess of other Yuri movies in his Yuri folder.

Regarding comment directly below, why am I not surprised that JAV Master Zen10101 has heard of Yuri Kousaka?

I was looking at Yuri's R18 filmography which, when sorted by "Release Date," tells us the first half of the six listed pages consist of compilations. Maybe an indication of her popularity, if the studios keep re-releasing bits and pieces of her old works. I also ran into this synopsis for SHKD-338, the film in question:

Recent school transfer Yuri was bullied at her old school because she has a complicated home life. Because she has a stubborn disposition, even the littlest things get to her. Although she made an ally in one of her teachers, she is basically a loner. She is then gradually cornered.

In addition, in case you snatch the movie and like it enough to get similar fare, it is a part of the big "Cold-Blooded Gang r***" series. An incomplete list:

SHK-154 .................... SHKD-287................... SHKD-383................... SHKD-572
SHK-158 .................... SHKD-292................... SHKD-387................... SHKD-578
SHK-164 .................... SHKD-296................... SHKD-390................... SHKD-601
SHK-181 .................... SHKD-298................... SHKD-393................... SHKD-621
SHK-191 .................... SHKD-303................... SHKD-401
SHK-195 .................... SHKD-306................... SHKD-414................... SSPD-114
SHK-198 .................... SHKD-308................... SHKD-422
SHK-212 .................... SHKD-311................... SHKD-426
SHK-216 .................... SHKD-314................... SHKD-431
SHK-218 .................... SHKD-320................... SHKD-434
SHK-225 .................... SHKD-325................... SHKD-438
SHKD-230................... SHKD-331................... SHKD-441
SHKD-233................... SHKD-335................... SHKD-444
SHKD-234................... SHKD-337................... SHKD-446
SHKD-237................... SHKD-338................... SHKD-452
SHKD-240................... SHKD-342................... SHKD-454
SHKD-243................... SHKD-383................... SHKD-457
SHKD-246................... SHKD-387................... SHKD-459
SHKD-250................... SHKD-390................... SHKD-462
SHKD-256................... SHKD-393................... SHKD-466
SHKD-260................... SHKD-401................... SHKD-473
SHKD-262................... SHKD-414................... SHKD-493
SHKD-264................... SHKD-422................... SHKD-513
SHKD-270................... SHKD-426................... SHKD-520
SHKD-274................... SHKD-431................... SHKD-524
SHKD-277................... SHKD-434................... SHKD-532
SHKD-281................... SHKD-438................... SHKD-537
SHKD-282................... SHKD-441................... SHKD-547
SHKD-284................... SHKD-444................... SHKD-558

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I hate how Yuri's not as popular as I'd have hoped. She's one of the cutest to ever grace the business in my book.

Her scene with Tubby was amazing. The student/teacher idea was brilliant, and really works into showing the magnitude of of the character's psychological damage. I usually can't stand it when they start wailing, but the way Yuri does it it amplifies their domination of her. That catatonic, tired and defeated look on her face after the creampie was hugely satisfying to look at. And I too agree that I've never seen anything like it since then.
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Hey, I don't have time now to really make a study, but I fast-forwarded one of her movies, and I liked the expressions of agony she shot off now and then. I can't be sure without checking, but I have a feeling this actress made an impression on me with other movies. So I just thought I'd throw out mention now, before I forget; maybe some of you who are familiar with her work can tell us if I'm on the right track.

The lady is:

Emi Harukaze (R18's preferred moniker: Zemi Haruka)

Movie is:

Targeted Wife [MOMJ-058]


I grabbed a frame to give you an idea, although you may know how frame-grabbing works... you've got to spend some time to get the best frame. I just went with the first thing that came along.

Targeted Wife Emi Harukaze [MOMJ-058].jpg

...But I think even the flawed pick above may tell you Emi's got something.

Targeted Wife Emi Harukaze2 [MOMJ-058].jpg

She's up against both Monkeyface and the Bald Thug. I don't think Emi needed to study Stanislavski's "Method" to convey consternation, with those two giving her all the motivation she needed...

A random look at some of her "distress" movie thumbnails from her Asian Screens page tells me looking pissed off comes without much difficulty for her.

Female Investigator - Restraint Assault Woman Carnal Trade [HBAD-088]

Well, well! I see among her credits is a movie I remember, because the plot had a lot of potential:
Shoplifting Female Teacher - Forced to Accommodate Pupil's Sexual Desire [HBAD-091]... the pupil was played by The Bad, and he's enough to give any woman the heebie-jeebies. (Fellow pictured below is someone else.)


Yep, she was plenty unhappy in that movie.

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going to check out Rin Ogawa,
from the desription alone it sounds like she needs to do the Hitomi Tanaka method.

Tsubomi being violated as a newsreporter



Hitomi Tanaka also does great r*** scenes









Debut guy has a really funny grin there


Looking exhausted after being used as a living cum dumpster


Bus r******.16289/full***-2.16290/full

and japanese tentacle r******-3.16292/full***-2.16291/full
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I must admit, I never thought about Hitomi as a great actress, given her possession of two attributes that overpower everything, to the point where I can't concentrate on anything else. I have difficulty watching her movies because what she has is just too much... to a disturbing extent.

Just wanted to make a note here; I don't have an example of an actress who excels in this sort of thing, but rather an... anti-actress.

I actually like Kaho Kasumi, mainly because she looks stupendous, and aside from than that, there is an endearing "helpless" quality to her, at least in her damsel-in-distress movies.

So I can't bring myself to criticize her, although I will criticize her in her one singular performance from Sensual PTA President and Wicked Brats From the Student Council [GVG-216].

I wish she would have read this thread to get a better idea of what she needed to do, because what she wound up doing was pretty much ruin the movie!

We have the usual story; the easy plot device where a woman is caught on camera having sex, leading to blackmail. The beauty in a movie like this is that our heroine is an adult, versus "kids" who are up to no good, so she has some power at her disposal. In this movie's case, she has extra power, because... she's the PTA president. Hey, you don't get to be a president unless you have some toughness to you.

In other words, if anyone would express outrage, it would be a character like this.

President Kasumi had no toughness at all. She immediately folded up, the first time she was threatened, and in the subsequent attempts, the only thing she conveyed was how much she enjoyed what was happening to her (I realize she's "sensual," but a woman picks and chooses the times she slips into that mode; for God's sake); in other words, K.K. came across as an obvious porn actress.


I do appreciate it when our victims finally reach a state of hopelessness once they realize there is no escape, at which point they actually begin to enjoy the crimes that are being committed against them. But, come on... you've got to allow a story to build to get to that point, and not succumb right off the bat.

It's wonderful when we can find the rare actresses who convey consternation magnificently. Then we have the opposite reality, when they hardly try at all.

Looking exhausted after being used as a living cum dumpster


No, I'm pretty sure her exhaustion is due to the weight of those breasts. They seem like a great burden.

Does a woman like that have a lot of back problems? I'm serious.
Absolutely, Pikseru; one of my relations from the past was very well endowed, made especially lovely, given her slender build. She elected for the reduction procedure, because her back was getting killed. (Her protrusions were nowhere near the size of Hitomi's Hindenburgs, but then again, whose is? We can imagine how poor Hitomi fares, throughout her life.) It's especially sad when nature is fooled around with, particularly when nature has blessed one with such amazing assets; in the case of my girlfriend, the operation did not turn out to be flawless, either.

In the next post, Ghostbird mentioned that the problem may not be so bad with naturals. I don't know whether the "artificials" are notably heavier (guess that would depend on the substance used), but from my one experience related above, the weight from the naturals was bad enough. (In fact, I have fond memories of lifting them, and making them drop... boy, they were dense. Great for us, but...)

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