Add [MP3][/MP3] Tags?


New Member
Apr 4, 2007
Can you add some mp3 tags, Chompy? Members can host them on sites like google pages or other uploading direct linking sites/website hosts, so it wont burden the akiba server too much... not much more than a hotlinked picture, no? Could help some users post music requests or ID's, or help sample a music torrent or jpop album/anime OST DDL, so people know what they're getting, etc. Would make signatures more interesting.

They will only be activated if members click them to activate the flash, and click them again, to play the song. So they won't spam or flood slower connections... They're very small too.

So, do-able, too much work, or you just don't want 'em?
Before you answer no, look at all the amazing things I've done with [youtube] tags.
Hard to turn down mp3 tags now, huh?

<embed src="" quality="high" width="150" height="40" name="audio_player_tiny_black" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" wmode="transparent"  type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="audio_id=1162972&amp;audio_duration=54.256&amp;valid_sample_rate=true&amp;external_url=" pluginspage="" /></embed>
<embed src="" quality="high" width="150" height="40" name="audio_player_tiny_black" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="audio_id=1162972&amp;audio_duration=54.256&amp;valid_sample_rate=true&amp;external_url=" pluginspage="" /></embed>
I didn't know there was another than he…
There can only be one emperor after all.
.....Members can host them on sites like google pages or other uploading direct linking sites/website hosts.....

Would you mind suggesting some of these sites please?

edit: nevermind, google pages seems fine. thanks for the suggestion!