Why? Judging from the JAVs and the hentai games, comics, and animes with the most views and the most replies here, there are plenty of other fetishes which it wouldn't make sense to pass over in favor of shota or futa.
Why not? Because it doesn't seem necessary! There isn't even one single shota discussion
thread in Hentai Discussion right now! Let alone a massive number of them! Normally you make a forum for a topic which would otherwise flood another forum. Like, somebody invents a forum for polls because the chatterbox becomes swamped with people making polls about favorite foods, favorite hobbies, favorite body parts, etc. Or somebody invents a forum for technology because the Help forum was getting flooded with too many technical questions about viruses, BitTorrent, Winny/Share/PerfectDark, etc. So if there was a demonstrated need for a shota forum, then it'd make a whole lot of sense.
I wouldn't be as critical if Hentai Discussion had a lot of these threads and you were suggesting it for the benefit of pro and anti-shota/futa members alike (give the pro people their own refuge and give the con people some peace of mind from fetishes they don't like), but since that doesn't seem to be the case, I think the best thing for you to do would be to try to start up some discussion(s) regarding these fetishes in Hentai Discussion.
More ...
[hide]I'm ignorant of what you guys discuss in the loli corner of the board, so if that's where all these missing shota threads have been hiding, then okay, in that case I'll admit I was wrong. But as for futa, there's no reason that that would be discussed in loli any more frequently than it's discussed in Hentai Discussion, and reading the Hentai Discussion forum almost daily for over a year now, I can't say that I've seen more than a small handful of futa threads -- almost all of which were always some newb requesting futa anime because he only had one or two titles with futa and he wanted more. Hardly "discussion," you know? ^^;
Having said all that! Good luck, since it does seem to matter to you. To me, everything I wrote above is purely written on the matter of principle. I have no personal beef against shota or futa (although I
do indeed dislike both of them XD) and I can understand your desire to want to find fellow fans and have discussions with 'em. So best of luck in that regard!

Maybe the mods will think I'm a bag of hot air and your request is perfectly reasonable.
But if not ......... then please don't take what I've written personally.

I just don't want to see Akiba-Online go down the same path that HongFire did. "I want this club!" "I want that club!" "How about this forum?" "How about that forum?" Before you knew what had happened, HongFire had become this bloated mass that was awkward to navigate. To be honest, Akiba-Online
too is already rather ... "large" in its forum breakdown. Introducing more forums would only further complicate matters, and result in more new members getting frustrated and ultimately breaking the rules intentionally and posting inappropriate discussions in the first related forum they see (i.e. "hey, hentai discussion! sounds good, I'll post my requests there!" ... which is what we're seeing right now >_<)[/hide]