Akiba-Online's Worldwide Popularity


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
Thanks to Member Ghostbird who made me aware of:


I felt some of the results were fascinating.

I recently read a post written by one of our wonderful moderators (it was either CoolKevin or Desioner), mentioning that most Akiba-Online members don't know English. Well, since I know English, and since I am an imperialist, my first thought was, how could that be? Akiba-Online is an English language site, and therefore most visitors would need to be English-capable.

Look at this:

Alexa-Akiba-Online 1.jpg

(Of course, these numbers change constantly, in case you are reading this thread a year from now.)

Sixty-six percent of visitors is from Japan?? Okay, OKAY, I know JAV is a "Japanese" product, so I should not be surprised But... what the HELL!

(And look... from where I am from, last on the list, only three percent. I... I... don't like being a minority.)

(China... no surprise. Big JAV audience, there. But still kind of low, around four-five percent. And will you look at all of those porn-infested Koreans, for God's sake.)

(Hong Kong is a "country"?)

Yet back to Japan. All right, I don't know how many Japanese visitors to this site understand and can communicate in English... but I'd suppose not that many? As a comparison, lots of Europeans know English, so it is kind of "expected" by now for most Europeans to know English. (Especially young Europeans.) Similarly, since porn visitors would mostly be on the younger side, I'd imagine young Japanese are better versed in English.

Overall, however, my guess would be English may not be as "essential" a subject in Japanese schools as English seems to be in most European schools, so I can still believe a lot of the young Japanese who visit Akiba-Online in such maddening numbers (the site is ranked 519th in Japan. 519! Out of the millions and millions of sites in the world...) do not know English.

They just come here for the downloads, and to look at the dirty pictures. No wonder we keep hearing from the same handful of voices in the Discussion section. I suppose it makes sense that out of the many Akiba-Online members (the "Home" page's "Forum Statistics" tell us, as of today, there are almost 900,000 members. That's like... a million!), few choose to contribute, because not only do we get the expected lurkers, but... a lot of the members just don't know English.

(As for our Japanese visitors who DO know English, I am going to SHAME you for not responding in droves whenever I've asked whaddoesdismean questions. We NEED you to pitch in more frequently to advise the non-Japanese speakers as to what is going on.)

(I mean, look! I still have to get a satisfactory answer to my Plot Point of the "Friend's Mother Violated in Front of Him" Series - What Gives? question. It's been two years, for GOD's sake.)

Okay, here was another surprise:

Alexa-Akiba-Online 2.jpg

Aside from the fact that most are coming here from SCHOOL (which points to so many young minds being corrupted), there are more... FEMALE visitors?? Whaaaa-aaaaaa-aaaaaaa-aaaaaaa-aaaaaaa-aaaattt?

It's not always easy to tell whether the few people who participate on Discussion are boys or girls, of course, but there is a definite male perspective that I am reading into most comments being offered. If there are more girls than boys... how come we hardly hear from them?

Okay, I get it. If there were, let's say, twenty percent of all visitors who are females, and given that most people don't speak up, we can understand why there are almost no female contributors. But let me say it again... if these statistics are to be believed, MOST visitors are girls or women. And we know how most girls or women can't shut up... so how come we hardly hear from them?


Days later, I noticed Kharo88's link for Pornhub's 2015 statistics, and wished to share a few of the graphs relating to women. (Please click that second link for more revelations; also, click on images below, to enlarge.)

Pornhub Women Users 1.jpg Here we see one-quarter of porn visitors are women.

Pornhub Women Users 2.jpg Top women search terms; "Lesbian" tops the list. (Tellingly, the only listed nationality for both men and women searches is "Japanese.")

Pornhub Women Users 3.jpg After "Lesbian," top category of viewed porn for women is... Gay men??

Pornhub Women Users 4.jpg Among most-searched-for porn actors, eight out of ten are women???

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Wow, great post and really surprising statistics! I am also super surprised by how many Japanese people visit this forum considering that everything is in English, and the same goes for the Koreans. And the fact that most people browse the site from school I think is also unusual, but I guess we have to remember that Akiba Online isn't exclusively for porn (at least, I have to often remind myself as I almost only frequent the JAV sections), so they can view most of the site in public without having to worry about others catching them looking at NSFW material. About girls/women not speaking up, that must be because most of them are Japanese if the statistics are to be believed, and so they probably don't really speak English.

(Well, Hong Kong is a SAR - Special Administrative Region, but yeah, HK is always mentioned separately from Mainland China, and so is Macau, when it comes to stuff like this.)

And now, a bit off-topic (it's one of those rants of mine... but short this time! - Oh, and it's not even about Cyndi Wang!):

As a comparison, lots of Europeans know English, so it is kind of "expected" by now for most Europeans to know English.

And you know, that makes me dislike native speakers of English very much. I know you said "expected", but many native English speakers do actually expect non-native speakers to speak English and if they can't or don't speak it that well, many of them get ridiculed or looked down upon (at least, in my experience - personal experience, I might add). But yeah, I do agree that it seems like that nowadays in Europe English is taught to the vast majority of young people as a second language.
Please... don't you — especially wonderful you — dislike me, Kharo88; I... I want so much to be loved. (Sob!)

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Please... don't you — especially wonderful you — dislike me, Kharo88; I... I want so much to be loved. (Sob!)


There, I liked you! Well, your post, anyway! :p (You know, you could use emotes sometimes to make it clear that you're being sarcastic!)
Okay, I get it. If there were, let's say, twenty percent of all visitors who are females, and given that most people don't speak up, we can understand why there are almost no female contributors. But let me say it again... if these statistics are to be believed, MOST visitors are girls or women. And we know how most girls or women can't shut up... so how come we hardly hear from them?


maybe because they still worry about negative respon from other members ?

I know few females who like to watch porn, they prefer to be silent reader because they had bad experience, like getting dirty messages & invitations for online sex
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(Oh, Hans! Quit reminding everyone about how special you are..!)

maybe because they still worry about negative respon from other members ?

You are absolutely right, Supmop; there are a lot of insensitive louts on porn forums in general who say stupid things to members they know to be women. Yet... while I can't speak for these idiots who may harass the lady members via private messaging (who can easily be blocked, so it should be the rare woman who would be traumatized), what I have noticed on Akiba-Online, as far as the few members who have made it clear that they are women, the ones on the other team with the hanging appendages have treated them respectfully, or in far more cases, with complete indifference.

Thing is, if the female visitors to this site actually exceed the males, you would think there would be a good enough number who would participate, simply out of sheer weight of their numbers... they can't all be "shy." (Let's not forget, there are some "feisty" women too, who love to stick it to men... for this type, a porn forum would be an irresistible platform for such proud females to show up the guys who write the sillier things. Even among the stereotypically "docile" Japanese women, there are surely those who enjoy putting up their dukes.)

What's more, the ladies could lie about their gender on their members' profiles, and undoubtedly that must be happening anyway. And again: we are all human beings, so strictly from the written word, it would hardly be a giveaway who are the boys, and who are the girls... but among those who may be writing "undercover," we don't get many signs around here from anything but a male perspective.

(Afterthought: not long ago, somewhere I had pointed to some YouTube video which had made the point of the great number of female porn fans in Japan. EDIT: Found it. Wouldn't one think Akiba-Online would be a great spot for some of these ladies who keep visiting again and again to create their own threads, gushing about the latest pretty boys from SILK LABO and other geared-toward-women porn product?)

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I love what data reveals. From the discussion groups, you'd think A-O was made up mostly of users from English speaking countries. From the JAV torrent group, you'd think the uploaders are all from China due to the annoying watermarks they add to uploads.

66% of visitors being from Japan is shocking to me, they sure are quiet. We should be getting more uploads and inside info on idols and JAV stars if there's that many clicks from Japan.
The lurking community here is pretty large, and since this is an English forum, we probably won't ever see a large discussion community from japan
Thanks for a great topic, @jugulear

A lot of it is surprising AND not surprising... actually....

Here in JAV discussion we are an minority of unknown size. I used to think AO = AV, but over the years various "events" relating to the filehosts and loli content made me aware that a lot of AO isn't AV related. I guess we are all aware of the SLF quake, so it's not a bad time to try to understand just what AO is about.

  • AV sharing, pretty active, but there are lots of competitions out there.
  • AV discussion, not exactly the most exciting discussion forum (compared to say any politics forum), but seems there isn't much competition in the English language discussion about AV, anyway.
  • Hentai, somewhat similar to AV, sharing is active, discussion is mostly dead
  • J-idol, mainly loli, seems legally gray for a lot of countries/regions so made AO one of the last few choices, espcailly in English.
  • J/K-pop, mainly music, but guess there's some TV/movie related too, mainly sharing and some discussion
And it seems the three and four areas are not really overlapping, i.e. I'm in AV, very rarely take a peek at hentai and never even peek in J-idol and J-pop at all. And also a lot of it is sharing/leeching, esp. it seem filehosting is a major source of income supporting the survival of AO.

So conclusion, here in AV discussion we are insignificant at all. Most of the AO users (from Japan, China etc) would never ever even take a peek in here and see we talking about them in English.

I mean they don't even count as lurkers. Lurkers at least are browsing/reading the posts. But I think most active users never even browse into the English discussion forums and give themselves a chance to read the thread headings.
Don't forget that it is very easy to find the media your looking for simply by typing in Japanese in the search box, thus eliminating the need to read English for the most part. With all the porn being produced daily, I suppose some members don't have time to read alot of lengthy posts, not to mention write them. :D
And oh... about the fabled female porn fans.
Thing is, if the female visitors to this site actually exceed the males, you would think there would be a good enough number who would participate, simply out of sheer weight of their numbers...

...some of these ladies who keep visiting again and again to create their own threads, gushing about the latest pretty boys from SILK LABO and other geared-toward-women porn product?).

The takeaway I took... eh... away... from your OP data isn't that there are a lot of female fans silently and stealthily consuming porn. The conclusion I drawn is that AV counts for a sub-50% minority of all the online activity on AO, I assume most of the female AO members come for the J/K-pop. It is not surprising. J-pop is a far bigger and mainstream industry than AV.

I'm no authority on female porn fans. But by and large they are a myth. Instead of watching sex, women get their satisfaction from... not from porn, but from dildos! Dildos, vibrators and sex toys. I even speculate that the ratio of women who use a dildo at least once in a while is no less than the ratio of men who watch porn or AV at least once in a while.

Whereas the ratio of female to male watching porn is probably less than 1 to 100.
Ya know, I am unfamiliar with the non-AV sections of Akiba-Online, and it's interesting for Sengoki to have pointed out that these sections (or at least one of these sections) are relatively not perused. If so, I suppose the female visitors here must mainly be drawn to the porn. (The link to the YouTube video I had provided gives the idea female interest in porn is far from a myth... at least not for Japanese females.)

Far as how "they" are able to determine our sex, common sense tells us they should not be able to. On the other hand, I recently paid note to the fact that several throwaway Yahoo e-mail accounts I had set up years ago mysteriously showed my actual birthday in their profile sections. This blew my mind, and left me highly perturbed... particularly after I further learned Yahoo had taken away the option to change your birthday setting. "They" have quite a few tricks up their sleeves, it seems, and our privacy primarily exists in theory only. (I've tried to use "Tor Browser," but it's such a pain...)

(EDIT: Sengoki's posts that I and Paparoach408 have referenced above, and that Supmop has referenced below, have disappeared, and it looks like all traces of Sengoki have been erased from Akiba-Online. How intriguing... to my knowledge, even when members are banned, their old posts still survive.)

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I'm no authority on female porn fans. But by and large they are a myth. Instead of watching sex, women get their satisfaction from... not from porn, but from dildos! Dildos, vibrators and sex toys. I even speculate that the ratio of women who use a dildo at least once in a while is no less than the ratio of men who watch porn or AV at least once in a while.

Whereas the ratio of female to male watching porn is probably less than 1 to 100.

most female are prefer erotic novels and sex toys its true, but doesn't mean female who like watching porn are myth ;)

depend on your samples, it could be more than 1 to 100 :D
As someone hailing from 'the Orient' I'm still surprised at how low the American visitor percentage is.

Then again, I suppose the bulk of Asian #'s probably coming from lurkers just grabbing torrents.

I also wonder how genuinely accurate this all is...especially related to 'where' the content is accessed. In Korea, for example, Internet is widely freely available under blanket names (i.e. "IP Time", same wherever you go). Not sure how well one could narrow down where what's being read.
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Maybe 90% asian users (86,6% from Japan + China + Korea + Hong Kong) and probably less than 5% native English speakers. I'd never have guessed.