NuTech Digital went bankrupt, Central Park Media with the Anime18 label as well. Some licences were sold by the liquidator and bought by ASM (Adult Source Media, which owns the labels A.S.M., Kitty Media and Critical Mass Video).
Even this company appears to be being near bankruptcy, as the amount of employees has been reduced drastically and more or less they atm only try to survive by lots of re-releases because there seems to be no money anymore to buy new licenses.
This is my point of knowledge atm.
Maybe too that the japanese companies have stopped or reduced licensing titles to the US as the re-imports of R1 uncensored material has become dangerous to the japanese market itself, those import DVDs (although such imports are forbidden) are even cheaper than the japanese censored ones. Because R2 DVD´s normally do not run on japanese DVD Players the danger reg licensing new titles to Europe is not as big.