Anyone know what the deal with Ren Hanaki 華希れん is?


Jan 3, 2013
I'm just a few titles away from completing my collection of the kira☆kira BLACK GAL series (as of the current releases) - which I'll be posting soon. :exhausted:

I've encountered something a bit odd in the process, though. In trying to track down BLK-007, starring Ren Hanaki, I can't seem to find a reference at any official source - kira☆kira or DMM. I've discovered that she is also in the cast of KISD-037 and same deal. This leads me to believe the reason that the vids are missing has something to do with her. :study:

So does anyone know why the existence of these titles seems to be unacknowledged? Is there a legal reason? I'd like to know before further pursuing these - especially if it's an age issue. :scared:

Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Hi Nick_Wells

This leads me to believe the reason that the vids are missing has something to do with her.
when you said that, You hit the nail on the head, yes it is indeed something to do with Miss Ren Hanaki..:bingo:

The reason you can't find any official source on kira☆kira or DMM for the video
Ren Hanaki~kirakira BLACK GAL - Clerk in Lovely Tanning Salon~Shiofuki Paipan GAL(BLK007)

or any other video of Ren Hanaki for that matter is this, Back in 2010, The boss from her agency was arrested because they found out that one of his girls, IE Ren Hanaki was only 16 years old when she started doing AV.
In other words she was underage, So all the Japanese adult DVD sites have removed all the information, DVD covers etc of Ren Hanaki , so thats why you can't find any info on kira☆kira or DMM.

She did AV for 3 months, starting January 2010 and retiring April 2010.

Well I hope this help Nick_Wells.:ok:

Now I what to give all the credit for all the above info to ryuuga:bow-pray:

Thanks for the confirmation, uk21. I was afraid that was it. Oh well, I guess my kira☆kira BLACK GAL collection will never be TRULY complete. But, better incomplete than illegal (well, REALLY illegal).

Anyway, that just leaves me with four titles. BTW, anyone know where I might find a direct D/L or torrent for BLK-50, 51, 56 or 61? If push comes to shove, I guess I'll just go to DMM.


Hmm, I guess that means it's a bad thing there is a thread about BLK-007 on these forums.

It's a 2010 thread, so the file links are probably dead, but it does have the cover picture with some nudity, so I reported the thread.

You might want to remove that cover picture from this thread too. After all, it does show an under age woman having sex.
The reason you can't find any official source on kira☆kira or DMM for the video
Ren Hanaki~kirakira BLACK GAL - Clerk in Lovely Tanning Salon~Shiofuki Paipan GAL(BLK007)

or any other video of Ren Hanaki for that matter is this, Back in 2010, The boss from her agency was arrested because they found out that one of his girls, IE Ren Hanaki was only 16 years old when she started doing AV.
In other words she was underage, So all the Japanese adult DVD sites have removed all the information, DVD covers etc of Ren Hanaki , so thats why you can't find any info on kira☆kira or DMM.

She did AV for 3 months, starting January 2010 and retiring April 2010.

No on posting the cover here
Hmm, I guess that means it's a bad thing there is a thread about BLK-007 on these forums.

It's a 2010 thread, so the file links are probably dead, but it does have the cover picture with some nudity, so I reported the thread.

You might want to remove that cover picture from this thread too. After all, it does show an under age woman having sex.

In the course of searching for those other BLK titles, I just realized that ActionJAV has KISD-037 available for download. I guess we should report that to them as well. Afterall, it would suck to have a giant repository of JAV like that shut down for (unknowingly) distributing illegal material. I would think they'd know better, though.

No on posting the cover here

Hi IdolFun

I only posted the cover, As I did a search and found some of the threads on akiba to still have that cover still on them, so I thought it should be OK (how wrong I was!!):punch:
But I see now Electromog, has reported one of the threads which I came across yesterday and of course you have removed them.
Also I like to point out, Ren Hanaki did about 19 videos before her retirement and some of them videos are still here on akiba for example...

(SVV026)Vanilla 22 - Komugi-chan's Ass


(EZD393) Gal's Talk 14

(EZD410) Pure GeChu, Gal GeChu 9

These are the few I know of, but she made many more videos, Another thing you may have noticed, all the above videos are from Prestige , so they should not be posted on akiba in the first place.

Anyway I want to say sorry for the stupid mistake I made in attaching the DVD cover in my above post, I meant no ill intent, it was really bad judgment on my part, so I hope you will accept my apology IdolFun.:bow-pray:

so 1993 instead of 1987 ?
