Are Fax and Fad series the same but with different names?


Aug 27, 2022
If yes, then how do the Fax names map to the Fad names?
what is the corresponding Fax title for FAD-1672?
Someone probably has better information about this than me but I can share what I've been able to glean about these FA Pro movies.

FA was the long-running series, starting in 1997 or earlier. At some point it transitioned into DVD and the code was changed to FAD, while the number was kept same. For some time, their movies had both a FA and FAD version, such as FA-1197 = FAD-1197, and then it was only FAD continuing with the death of VHS. For some reason, info about FA and FAD are difficult to find, and they're not on JavLibrary.

And then there's FAX, which is on JavLib. I thought FAX was original movies first, but more and more I kept finding out that they are re-releases of older movies, and typically with the same/very similar cover art. FAD-1404 (2008) = FAX-275 (2010) is one example. FAX also some times is a re-release of X movies, which is another old series from FA Pro. X-1047 = FAX-047 is another example, both from 2007 but the former a few months earlier. Another trend I've noticed is that sometimes FAX has two movies in one. FAX-058 = X-1058 + some really old movie that I couldn't identify, but the video quality was considerably different.

So I've come to the conclusion that FAX is just different kinds of re-releases (but it's welcome since it makes it easier to find older movies). The closest connection to your movie that I've made is FAD-2651 = FAX-458. I quickly skimmed over FAX-460 to FAX-520 and I couldn't find any that matched FAD-1672's cover, so I would say it's probable that FAD-1672 just never got rereleased.
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Apparently the scenes from FAD-1672 are used in several different FAX movies. One scene is in FAX-190 and one in FAX-247. Maybe the other scens are reused in some FAX movie as well.
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Has FAX currently re-sold all of FAD's content? Currently, it looks like FAX is no longer being sold.