I find it very annoying that I have to keep confirming my age and clicking "Enter" to view a video screenshot on one of the various image hosting sites.
The nice thing is that they all use the same code to generate that popup so here's a greasemonkey script that would do that for you.
Greasemonkey is a firefox plugin. Install it, create a new user script and paste the following:
Include any additional sites where you want the script to run by copying the @include line and entering the new url.
The nice thing is that they all use the same code to generate that popup so here's a greasemonkey script that would do that for you.
Greasemonkey is a firefox plugin. Install it, create a new user script and paste the following:
// ==UserScript==
// @name enter
// @namespace akibeonline-enter
// @include http://imagepong.info/*
// @include http://imgserve.net/*
// @include http://*
// @include http://imgtiger.com/*
// @include http://imageback.info/*
// @grant none
// @version 1
// ==/UserScript==
function doClose(){
Include any additional sites where you want the script to run by copying the @include line and entering the new url.