backwards fuck: Isn't this painful?


Active Member
Sep 28, 2012
I've seen this in a few different JAVs: the guy's cock gets bent backward until it's facing out the back and girls suck him from behind (I think I saw some titles calling this doggie tail suck or something like that).

Then I saw this recently:

Screen Shot 2016-07-25 at 10.37.00 PM.png Screen Shot 2016-07-25 at 10.36.35 PM.png Screen Shot 2016-07-25 at 10.36.25 PM.png

and thought it must be pretty painful to bend it back that far while fucking.

Am I off-base on this?
I think the position (suggestive of the fellow being on his knees) in Photo#2 would be ridiculous, but as long as you're on your feet, you'd be surprised how flexible our extensions can be. I just tried it once, to tell you the truth, just to... try it... and I thought it was fun and there was no pain. It's entertaining to contemplate all of the many positions that are suggested in sex manuals, but when you're down and getting serious about the act, I think the tried and true positions do the job just fine. Going acrobatic can lose its luster fast.

I recalled another position that I've done very occasionally, the one where you pick the lady up while standing and pump away. It looks great in porn movies, and the idea is not without its allure...because you can feel all masculine while overwhelming the lady, who basically assumes the role of a rag doll, in "mid-air," and completely in your power. But after a few minutes, boy, that's exhausting. There's a lot to be said for good old-fashioned horizontal.

JAV isn't filmed for the pleasure of the actors because if that was the case it'd be nothing but prone-bone scenes. ;)
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