ban image sites with popups/linkbucks etc


May 18, 2008
as above - especially bad/annoying when linkbucks/adfly etc are chained so that you need to go through 3 or more "sites" just to see a full-sized image.

far too many posters just trying to make a fast buck and posting to multiple forums undr different names, or regularly reregistering with a new name.

and thats not to mention those who repost whole threads to beat the "no bumping" type rules.

getting so that torrents are a far beter option than downloads considering the above.
Can a rule be made so people have to upload images to the actual akiba forum/site instead of other sites?

that be a dangerous rule to akiba because it would multiply akiba's server load. while akiba doesn't have problems like that now, what would happen in the future then when thousands of images is stored in akiba ?

Can a rule be made so people have to upload images to the actual akiba forum/site instead of other sites?
This would be problematic because Akiba-Online is hosted in the U.S.A.
Many other forums hosted in the U.S.A. which revolve around anime and manga have removed all their lolicon / roricon imagery because of the current interpretation of the ch!|d pr0n laws in the U.S.A.
Just one questionable image posted and hosted here could result in A-O being shut down. :why2:
I still urge our moderators to move A-O's hosting to another country with a more tolerant attitude toward both copyright issues, and images / illustrations of "young-looking" persons.