Bishoujo Kakumei Kiwame


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
Vol 02 was just released recently and it's pretty smoking hot imo. I've decided to provide a sample from the magazine, a story by Aoi Hitori (one of my favorite authors). I've attached an info.txt file. As mentioned, I may have misread some of the parts, so I beg your pardon if I did. I read it pretty quick and was balancing story reading with ... "artistic appreciation." ;p
Good Stuff! Thanks for sharing. I really like the style, and the action obviously suits my preferences. Not sure where you find all these though, but they're always good recommendations as far as I'm concerned.
I like to think I have good taste. [/arrogant son of a bitch]

That, and I read a lot of hentai. I "subscribe," if you will, to over 10 magazines religiously and ... well, maybe a screencapture would explain it best.

I keep putting it off (one of the many projects Red's correctly pointed out that I begin and then sort of table ^^; ), but one thing I've wanted to do for a long time is create a Top 100 Authors list (of my own, duh ;p) and provide one to two of their best stories. So we'd be talking a torrent of 100 to 200 stories. I figure I'll make this, and that way it helps introduce a lot of the middle-degree and low-degree famous artists to fans who only recognize the high-degree famous ones. What I mean, for example, is ...

High-degree fame = Hellabunna. You say that name and people will laugh at you if you don't recognize the circle unless you're BRAND NEW to hentai.

Middle-degree fame = Mitsuya. It's not a name people talk about all the time, but any hentai fan worth his salt knows Mitsuya's work

Low-degree fame = Gekka Saeki. Prolific, even famous within his circle of fans, this is an artist who many a "hentai pro" may never have even heard of ... or even if he has, that he couldn't identify out of a lineup of 10 different hentai artists' work.

Do note that all of these dudes are famous. Even the low-degree ones. ^_- So please, no replies telling me "I KNOW WHO GEKKA SAEKI IS!" I'm sure you do, Anonymous Complainer. lol I'm just saying that Gekka is less famous than Mitsuya who is less famous in turn than Iruma Kamiri (Hellabunna).
Unfortunately I'm still not very familiar with a lot of artist by name even though I've been collecting hentai for 10 years now. Another problem I seem to have is distinguishing one artist work from another. That isn't to say I'm completely ignorant, I do know several artist's styles and names after all - just not very many.

I guess it helps if you keep up with all these magazines and can understand at least some Japanese. There was a time when I downloaded all the magazine torrents that showed up on AO, but now I mostly just grab Megastore and Megastore-H unless someone points me in the direction of a good artist or story in another magazine.