Blocking threads? o.o


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
I have never been a big fan of the Block User feature. I think it flies in the face of everything a message board stands for. We come here to communicate with one another. It's dumb of the blocker whenever he blocks somebody because then he looks like an idiot when the blockee makes posts (or threads!) and he isn't aware of it. It just feels like a feature that's only useful for temper tantrum throwers.

But that stated! I was just thinking, is it possible to do the same thing with threads? Like, a "Block Thread" feature? Where if you tell the board you want to block a particular thread, it will record that in your cookie? and whenever you view the forum, you won't see anything indicating that that thread exists?

Click to read more about the specifics.
[hide](1) You won't see the thread. Period.

(2) If you've read all the other threads except for that one, and that one gets a new reply, you won't see an Unread Posts/Threads color change on the main forum index.

(3) If you block 10 threads on Page 1, and your settings are set to display 25 threads per page, then it means that the threads #16-25 that you see on your Page 1 will be what were threads #01-10 on page 2 for most other members.

Threads that come to mind include ...
the Indonesian Chat thread in the Lounge
the blood and gore request thread in Anime Discussion
the shota thread in Hentai Discussion
the missing hentai anime thread in Hentai Discussion
the scat thread in Japanese Adult Video (JAV) Discussion

I don't speak Indonesian. I don't like gore. I don't like shota. I don't like old hentai animes. I don't like scat.

Now, this isn't about what I like and what I don't like. It's about what we each, as individuals, like and what we don't like. Everyone would have different opinions. I'm sure a lot of my threads (or threads I enjoy posting in) probably get on other people's nerves, too. That's fine. I'm not trying to put down others' fetishes or threads that are fun for them. What this is about is making the board a little less cluttered on a per-individual basis. Making it a little more "customized," if you will, for each member.

To put the shoe on the other foot ...
- I love Haruhi, but many don't. I can see how they might want to block the Haruhi discussion thread.

- I enjoy chatting about hentai with people, but I can see how the Hentai Chat thread might get on some people's nerves, always bumping to the top of the page and with nothing of major importance to it.

- I like the big-breasted JAV discussion thread, but a lot of guys don't like big boobs. They might want to block this thread. I can respect that. I don't agree with their taste, but that's not the point.[/hide]

If this is too difficult to implement, then please do not bother. And if you don't like the sound of it, then please do not bother. But if it is easy to implement and it sounds intriguing to you, then please consider it. ^^;

And if it's already been implemented, (1) what!? + (2) sorry I missed it. Can you show me where it is / how it works here?
atm you only can block complete forum parts you don´t want to see by "edit options" in your user control panel.

What you want should be a thread tool just like "subscribe to this thread"...

pehaps vBulletin already has a function which can easily be used / implemented, chompy or Rollyco may have a look for it, both are busy atm. though...