But what does it mean!!?

Yeah, what *does* it mean?

  • This girl is free of any moral or reason.

  • This girl will do anything without charging any money

  • Something else (Please elaborate)

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Hans Kowalski

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2007
So, for a couple of years now, Fetish Box has had a series of compilation movies, each one focused on a single actress, called "The Free Bitch is Back" in english.





Now here's the important question: Do they mean to say that this so-called bitch is free of morals and the constraints of society and will suck every dick that comes her way or do they mean to say that you don't even have to pay her to fuck her?

I'm sure there are a lot of other ways to interpret the title and it's on us to figure out it's true meaning.
Now here's the important question: Do they mean to say that this so-called bitch is free of morals and the constraints of society and will suck every dick that comes her way or do they mean to say that you don't even have to pay her to fuck her?

I'm sure there are a lot of other ways to interpret the title and it's on us to figure out it's true meaning.

another good topic ;)

for fantasy yes like that, but in real life no way

even you meet a real life hypersex women they still selective in choosing with whom they'll have sex (at least from some that I met)

and there is no free lunch, most of the time free on condition apply
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Please keep the discussion of the title in the context of this series. Until we figured out it's meaning, we can't begin to tackle real-life issues.
Please keep the discussion of the title in the context of this series. Until we figured out it's meaning, we can't begin to tackle real-life issues.

ok, stick to the porn fantasy, I think its easy to figure it out

in porn most of us love to see immoral females (young or old) that always hungry for sex, anywhere, anytime with anybody

the good examples are : Aunt Peg character played by Juliet Anderson from 80s American porn, and Josefine Mutzenbacher from 70s german
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You're overthinking the whole thing. In the first movie I posted with Yuu Kawakami for example, how does the "The Free Bitch is Back" statement relate to the role she is playing in that movie? Which of the two interpretations is she supposed to be?
I've seen the term "free bitch" used a bunch of times, but it's never meant anything to do with not having to pay money, or anything like that.
So I'd say something more along the lines of, someone who doesn't care about cultural norms or morals, and will do what she likes.
You're overthinking the whole thing. In the first movie I posted with Yuu Kawakami for example, how does the "The Free Bitch is Back" statement relate to the role she is playing in that movie? Which of the two interpretations is she supposed to be?

japanese to english translation from JAV tittles oftenly not accurate, and its confusing :D

I agree with ldjb comment above, and actually its the same like examples I've posted before, Aunt Peg and Josefine, they are characters in porn film who doesn't care about cultural norms and morals, and will do whatever they likes
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bitch , whores in porn s world does not mean anything.
they just add the word to make people who watch their video happy.
its look like they let the actress wear pant or shoes when she was played by men , why they dont take it off all clothes , why the actor need to put semen on the face or tit ?
its all for their buyer to see what happen there .
