Buying content for a cost, posting content for free and parts in-between.


New Member
Sep 19, 2017

I've been here for a while and mostly been pretty quiet but I'm hoping people here can weigh in with their opinions on my thoughts about the users who actively buy content from paid sites and then giving it up to others. My main question I guess is pretty straight forward and that is, Why?

This is certainly not meant in any way as an attempt to criticize those who do this I'm absolutely one of the people who appreciates it but I find myself in a situation now where through great effort I've got a large collection of Minisuka and Girlz-High content (approx. 160Gb) and I'm having trouble just putting it out there.

I can't make a torrent because my internet isn't adequate for large scale seeding
I can't use file hosts because to post it here I'd have to use Filejoker.
I don't want to pay for a seedbox because that's a bit too much to ask.
I don't know if I should

Also how do you justify to yourself distributing this stuff at your own expense for nothing in return do you just want to see the gravure genre grow by making it more accessible? Do you think it's too expensive for people to buy in the first place so you're acting as a Robin Hood or do you just want the internet points? Or do you get enough of a kick back from affiliate links etc?

Most of all I quiver with the thought that this will end up on one of those god awful forums that you have to buy points to access to content which is more expensive than just buying from the owner. Are there ways to avoid this without watermarking and ruining the files?

Any input would be great. Do you think distributing this kind of stuff is damaging the industry or making it more accessible and therefore helping it? Sorry if this seems all over the place but hat reflects my thoughts about this.
Hi, there, friend.

I would say not many are posting content at their expense. Maybe less than 10% (if that I bet) actually buy content, they get it from torrent sites. That's why for any one title if you look here or on the library they are all the same copies just shared again, encoded down to 720p or less, or they make it onto streaming tube sites (they are actually better looking ones now, not just dark background seedy looking YT clones) and of course on filehosts. Both the filehosts and the streaming sites generate revenue, potentially, for the one providing it there. Hopefully you've come across such posts about this in the forums here since you've been around since 2017. There are "scene" groups they try to get things out first and all that stuff. Not sure if that's still going strong today, but, it all comes down to money. What better way to get more money than to not have to spend money in the first place, so, they grab from anywhere and post it up.

If you want to share, that's great. Yes, here you would necessarily have to provide FJ links.
This probably isn't the case for the majority of people but for some its just the act of sharing that they enjoy. Posting things, filling requests, sharing content with others that gives them enjoyment. They do it because they want to, not because they expect something in return.
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This probably isn't the case for the majority of people but for some its just the act of sharing that they enjoy. Posting things, filling requests, sharing content with others that gives them enjoyment. They do it because they want to, not because they expect something in return.
Yeah I guess the feel part of the community is a big thing for a lot of people. I think i might just try and make a torrent but perhaps share it to people who have good seeding ratios first to help out with the initial load.
In the current state of the AV industry, the only thing worth buying is usenet

I didn't buy anything legally but made several hundreds uploads on private trackers
Uploaded about 70 tb on torrents
I'm interested in saving something I like while it's old, rare, unpopular. Besides, if no one does that, there won't be anything left

Filesharing with filehosting almost doesn't work, it's just temporary storage where almost all files die in a couple of months or even weeks. DHT doesn't work either, no one wants to seeding. On private trackers many uploads live more than 10 years
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Also how do you justify to yourself distributing this stuff at your own expense for nothing in return do you just want to see the gravure genre grow by making it more accessible? Do you think it's too expensive for people to buy in the first place so you're acting as a Robin Hood or do you just want the internet points? Or do you get enough of a kick back from affiliate links etc?

I have shared a few files here and there out of my own pocket. Not much, just a few.

I didn't earn anything from them. I never post them on file-sharing sites, because I hate them. I only use torrents and I only share them here. Where they go after that is out of my control.

As for why. Well, I have benefited immensely from content shared online. Over the many years I have spent on the internet, I have been able to enjoy countless hours of AV and Gravure content for free because of people that share them online and because of sites like this. I now see my humble contributions as sort of giving back to the "community". Besides, what I have given is dwarfed by what I have consumed.

Akiba-Online in particular I think fondly of. I started coming here back in the 2010s and back then the chakuero genre was really popping. New and great titles were being shared all the time. Over time, I start to see the same names uploading content consistently, for example, Beam~. I don't know where they get their stuff, but sometimes it would appear here first so I would have to assume at least a portion of what they uploaded came out of their pocket. Whatever the case may be, they were putting in effort they didn't have to for our benefit. So if I happen to buy something that I think the community would enjoy, why not share it.

Also, I think file-sharing culture is a little different back then then it is now. Back during the Napster and Kazaa days, people file shared just because. The thought of profiting off of file sharing or sharing for something in return did not cross most people's minds. I think it is different now. I have noticed more group purchases groups that specifically do not want what they purchased "leaked" online. While that mindset is understandable, it does make me a little sad.

And I do also want the gravure community to grow. Specifically the chakuero side of things. But that may be tough considering what is happening in Japan.
There's group buy, though this need a big trust that the money pooled together is indeed spent on specific items and then shared.

And the group-bought files are, depends on agreement made beforehand, either shared only among those who contributed in the money, or made available for all.
Thanks for your post @MelonBuns, very sensible and I happen to share most if not all of your sentiments there. Personally I too have benefitted a lot more from this site than I have given back, and just like you said, I was able to find some of the things I enjoyed the most in entertainment here in this site. I haven't shared much through opening threads and uploading stuff myself, but rather I can say I did contribute with some amount of buying things with my own money and having them shared here through other people (without taking any credit, by the way), because I also feel that's a way of giving back to the community that has offered so much throughout the years. Of course, I also wish artists and producers got their fair share from their products. But I guess I could have done more.

It's interesting that you mention @Beam~ too, the dude is just the kindest hearted soul that I've spoken with here and he has shared A LOT of great stuff in this forum coming from his own pocket; I know this for a fact. He definitely deserves a lot of credit.
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@Death Metal
Thanks man, I'll do what I can whenever I can :)
It's good to try to keep the sharing community at least somewhat active in here.
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