Chat room or box for the site.


Nov 1, 2007
I'd love to see some kind of chat room on this site. From my experince in the forum I feel that the members of Akiba have a lot to say and socialize quite a bit in the threads. It seems only right then judging from this that we should have some kind of chat room to socialize with other memebers outside of threads or private messages, anyone agree?
We have an IRC chat room (#shibuyabashi @, but no one talks in there.
Personally the idea scares me.

Sounds like a magnet for spam fundamentalists

I'm not opposed to this, but I hate chat rooms personally. That is to say, I don't see the harm in letting those who want to have a chat room have a chat room, but I would prefer to keep my conversations with the other members on the forum. I think chat rooms are much too chaotic (since it's like having one massive "thread" instead of thousands of topic-specific threads) and because of that nature almost every single IRC chat room always de-evolves into a brainless "so how was your day?" "whatcha doin'?" "read any good books lately?" chat. Blah. >_< (For me, at least.)

If it were put to a vote, I'd be in favor of a chat room (which we already have) and I'd also be in favor of a chat box so long as it was fully disable-able from within each member's Control Panel. If people want these things and aren't going to be hurting anybody with 'em, then why the hell not? :) That's my mentality.
I've been to #shibuyabashi but I haven't had any replies to my "hi" messages so I guess most of the folks there are just busy. And I second handyman's fears of having a chat room filled with spam (and other creepy stuff).. The memories of spammers engulfing the confines of this forum with attractive "please-click-me-pics" still haunts me..
We have an IRC chat room (#shibuyabashi @, but no one talks in there.

Oh it looks like we do, well I might have to check this out. Thanks for the heads up, I'm feeling more and more like an Akiba newb with each response lol :dunno:.
also be in favor of a chat box so long as it was fully disable-able from within each member's Control Panel. If people want these things and aren't going to be hurting anybody with 'em, then why the hell not? :) That's my mentality.

I think your on to something with this, I've seen similar types of chat boxes on other forums and I agree with what you said that if it's not hurting anyone why not? But I don't call the shots around here so who knows maybe someday we'll see one.