Clarification on the spam rules


Easily annoyed
Apr 8, 2015
The JAV torrent section is getting tons of useless posts saying "thank you," often bumping years old threads by members no longer active. This post implies that it's against the rules, but I can't actually see anything in the rules about it. I've tried asking the main offender to stop a couple of times, ingoring them, and reporting them, but it's just getting worse, with about 1/5th of the activity today being "thank you posts" adding nothing to the thread. So is it against the rules? If it is, could there be official mention of it somewhere that I can link offenders?
if it is reported, they will be deleted, it is a problem, and can only be dealt with when found/reported
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The thirty second wait on reporting makes this a huge pain, hope it's easier for you. Thanks for dealing with it,