I love it when animals can solve puzzles and
problems that I can't even figure out.
Here's a crow going through a bunch of
different exercises to show its understanding
of size, weight, density, the elements and
even the amount of effort it should put in
to a puzzle to win its reward.
The crow knows that putting rocks in water
will make the water rise while dumping rocks
in sand does nothing.
It also knows that heavier rocks do a better
job of lifting the water level than lighter rocks
or hollow rocks and even knows how to attack
narrow tubes and wide tubes.
Crows are freaking geniuses !
Causal Understanding Of Water Displacement By A Crow
problems that I can't even figure out.
Here's a crow going through a bunch of
different exercises to show its understanding
of size, weight, density, the elements and
even the amount of effort it should put in
to a puzzle to win its reward.
The crow knows that putting rocks in water
will make the water rise while dumping rocks
in sand does nothing.
It also knows that heavier rocks do a better
job of lifting the water level than lighter rocks
or hollow rocks and even knows how to attack
narrow tubes and wide tubes.
Crows are freaking geniuses !
Causal Understanding Of Water Displacement By A Crow