Condensing Requests for Identification


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
I don't think it's necessarily a good idea to condense all requests because people request such very different kinds of things. But when it comes to identification specifically, I think it's hurting the community to have all the I.D. requests in separate threads.

[hide]As a prospective answerer, seeing all of those threads usually scares me away. I don't want to click on every single one of them. It takes too much time and feels tedious to click, then go back, click, then go back, click, then go back ... and it's also not pleasant to open 20+ requests as 20+ tabs in my browser. That's just me personally, but judging from the looks of things, I think I'm not alone in being overwhelmed by the volume of requests for identification. @_@[/hide]
That's why I have a suggestion, and you tell me why you think it's good, bad, or no better nor worse than the status quo. The suggestion is to condense the requests for identification into only a small handful of threads. Expand the hidden text to read my plan in full.

[hide]Step 1: take away people's power to post new threads in the Identification board. Only mods and admins can post threads. However! Anybody can still post there. Just not threads! Only replies. Make sense?

Step 2: make two threads for hentai anime identification. One is where people post questions (i.e. requests for identification), and the other is where people post answers. Not comments! (See my attachment below for a good example of an unnecessary flame that got deleted.) Just answers.

Step 3: rinse and repeat for Hentai Manga Magazines, Hentai Manga Tankoubons, Hentai Games, and Hentai Pictures. Rinse and repeat for all the different JAV subforums. And the Idol subforums. And so on and so forth.

  • as a window-shopper, it lets you go through the Answers thread and find lots of sources free of charge. This helps our community to lessen spam from eager-beaver newbies who would otherwise selfishly post a request for porn of a given flavor. Like ... if we had "JAV Lesbian I.D. Answers" as a thread, then people who wanted to find JAV lesbians and didn't have anybody special in mind would be able to go through that thread and find a shitload of stuff.
  • as a request-answerer, it makes it really very nice and easy if all the requests are grouped in one thread by a common theme. Like, instead of just having "Hentai I.D.," it's nice to have it be more specific, like "Hentai Anime I.D." And going one step further, instead of it being "Hentai Anime I.D.," it's even nicer to have just one single thread for all of the hentai anime i.d. requests. That way, request-answerers have the luxury of clicking on just one link and clicking on the next page's link when they reach the bottom of the page they're currently on. They can read all of the new requests bam bam bam bam bam bam bam, one after another in a single-file line, and write up their answers in a text app. Cut and paste the text into Akiba-Online's Reply window once they're ready to reply (in the Answers thread!) and away they go. Makes it real nice and streamlined. And because of this, it doesn't scare people away as bad, meaning more I.D. requests would be answered than at present.
  • By taking away people's ability to post new threads in the I.D. forum, they have to obey by the rules. If they post I.D. requests outside of Identification (and, to be lenient, outside of the Request boards too), then they're warned. Do it again, and they're banned for a week. Do it again in less than 6 months since prior offense and they're banned for an entire month. You get the idea.

Just to make sure we understand one another: I do not think that this is a good idea for Requests overall! I'm only suggesting this for requests for identification! The reason I agree that it's not a good idea to do this for all of the requests on the board is because of the diversity of requests in general. For example, one guy may specify the format he wants the file in (.avi, .rmvb, .mkv). One guy may specify how he wants to obtain the file (BitTorrent, RS, MU, IRC). One guy may make a request by artist, another by fetish, and a third still by drawing style -- and all based on the same source picture! Like, all three of them could have the same picture from inoino's Unrein, but they each say different things! "I want more of inoino's work!" vs. "I want more girls getting corrupted!" vs. "I want more girls with boobs shaped like these and eyes shaped like these!" And it complicates things even further if one of them says "I want these in PNG!" and another says "I want these in JPG!" Or if one says "MU!" and another says "Not MU! I hate MU!"

But for I.D. requests? For the singular purpose of answering the question, "What is this?" I think one thread per medium is good enough. Or two, rather: one for the questions, and one for the answers.[/hide]
Thoughts? Comments? Criticisms?
While I'm all for limiting the requests to a more reasonable number by limiting peoples posting privileges there. I'm at a loss of how to do such a thing and if it's entirely needed. A few more watchdogs would be more helpful I think. I tend to visit them first when I login to akiba. Just to delete those that have little to no possibility to get positive IDs.
As for your Q/A sub forums while it's not a bad idea I think that it'll create more confusion and be harder to handle than a answer in the original thread. What would be a better indication for an answer would be a prefix tag. I'm currently using [IDed] on those that I have IDed or have checked that it's an accurate ID. Hence searching for [Ided] will show those IDs that are done. It's not as informative as the example you provided but members looking for new things can easy get more information that way.