Deleting posts and/or threads


Jul 23, 2008
Karakura Town
Is there any way we can allow our more esteemed members the authority to again delete their own posts and/or threads? Would this be something that may be considered? At least the oldtimers, those who have been here 5 years or more and have not managed to gain a suspension or be banned.

Sometimes we double post due to a board 502 error, sometimes we post a thread or post and then notice that it is redundant, sometimes we screw up the thread title by accident (we still can't edit our thread titles I believe), sometimes we just wish we hadn't posted something for whatever reason....just because we are human beings. Mistakes happen and it would be nice if not only we didn't have to bother a mod over every little error but that we were allowed to fix the minor ones ourselves. Sometimes the edit button, as is, is merely an insufficient tool with which to meet our needs.

Thank you for your consideration,

no one else cares? happened to me again today.....annoying
? the team hasn't yet talked about this. (~the team is slow~)
please be patient and try to find more backers for this, as then it's more likely to introduce like this for a new member-group.
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I could try to gather support but to be honest I probably would be wasting my time and theirs. First off; it would sound like I am asking for a favor when I would just be trying to get members to stick up for themselves. Secondly; most members could care less how this forum is run as long as they can still download porn.

And that is okay with me. Let them be who they are. I just hate to see the same thing happening here that happens in my home country: people ignoring that the rights and privledges they had are being taking away and not even putting up so much as a wimper. Within certain constrictions a governing body is there to serve the people they govern. While a governing body must be given the tools they need to do this, they in turn must not betray the trust of those that they govern. Now I am speaking in generalities here, as truly this is a minor issue we are talking about, and I recognize that. Still, the concept is the same. We used to be able to edit our thread titles, we used to be able to delete our own theads and we used to be able to delete our own posts. To make moderation easier, all members of Akiba-Online have been stripped of the rights they once had. It was a matter worth my time to bring up. Whether others give a damn about this?....not my problem.
we now have a new user-group: elite-users.
you will need to have 500 Posts and be registered for 2 years.

the only difference to being a normal user is:
- your username will be black
- you can now edit your own posts / threads
- you can now delete your own posts / threads

on top of this:
administration is now red
moderation green
should already be activated.

just going to test it again.

it works - though the change of colors isn't yet propagated on all fronend servers. This should be fixed tomorrow. (i think : D)
please be responsible with what you delete. :)
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so after all these years i become an elite member. cool :)

thanks for all the hardwork chompy, coolzero and all the mods!
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ah damn :D
haven't thought about the dark one.
going to fix this within a few days - if i have time - if i like to fix this - perhaps - eventually
I use the default theme myself,. Not sure why we even have seperate themes, kinda seems like a waste of resources to me. The logic for the change should be easy enough, if you could actually add code to Xenforo BBS structures, which I kinda doubt. Computers were made for such IF, Then or Else decisions, it is basic programming. You could just have the color change based on the theme. Or maybe you could just make us purple?
i'm sorry to inform you, that the newly added usergroup "Elite member" will now be removed again.
there are way to much users, abusing this feature for their uploads.

i'm sorry for all the user, that have used this feature according to the rules.
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That's a pity. :( Seems there are always idiots which cause problems with everything you give them...
Also I have to admit I never used that feature since it was introduced. ;)
When the forum had some problems I accidentally did some double and triple posts. But since it is working perfectly and I never was in the need to delete my posts or threads. :)
More than a bit dissappointed with this decision. I would have thought that it would make more sense to punish the guilty and not the innocent along with them. The ability to delete posts and threads should be (was?) a priveledge and one that a moderator could take away at will. However if that was not the case here I can understand the reaction from the staff at abusing this privledge yet again by some our less trustworthy members.

And I have to agree with CodeGeek that I also hadn't needed to use this, but it was nice to know I could if I needed to. It can be easy to screw up a thread title and notice it at first or to answer an old question or request without noticing that someone had already done it or you were replying to a thread a few years old (seen that one recently) and some still get a double post due to 503 errors caused by whatever or just by accident (seen that recently too).

So if you can come up with a workaround that everyone would be happy with that would be nice. Thx for your efforts in the first place as well. I kind of liked seeing my username in black, it made me feel like I was being rewarded for something or other. It was kind of like being promoted. I will miss it.
the members was banned that abused it

and they had several 1.000s each, I cannot delete them on mass because of mirrors on the thread

really sorry guys
I kind of liked seeing my username in black, it made me feel like I was being rewarded for something or other. It was kind of like being promoted. I will miss it.
You still have your Trophy Points for that. And your totally elite 8,581 Likes you have received. :D That should be enough reward to take a long, hot feel-good bath in it. :D
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You still have your Trophy Points for that. And your totally elite 8,581 Likes you have received

Funny, I never really pay much attention to that stuff. I mean when it is all said and done one member is about the same as the next, likes or no likes. But being able to do something that some other members couldn't do and being part of a group designated by a special color? that was kinda cool. It was kind of like being a mod again without being expected to do any work around the forum (which was not really that cool at all, all work and no fun makes Jack a dull boy).
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But being able to do something that some other members couldn't do and being part of a group designated by a special color? that was kinda cool. It was kind of like being a mod again without being expected to do any work around the forum
Ok, I feel you there. That's indeed a bit more special than just having maximum Trophy Points and a few thousand likes.
But I just wanted to point out that there is something left that you can "enjoy". Even if you don't think that it makes you much special, there are other members that know that your 8,000 likes stand for a lot of valuable contribution to the forum and good content. I think there are quite a few members that (silently) are paying tribute to your achievements....maybe more than you think.
Do you now feel special again? :D
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how about my tribute? lol

i hope they will change the usernames again into black or any other color. :))