DO NOT UPLOAD: list - updated July 2011


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
The DO NOT UPLOAD: list has been updated:

Please note that ANY in the U.S. licensed release of any H-anime may not be posted on Akiba-Online anymore, existing threads in the hentai anime torrent section and the DDL section as well had to be removed.

This affects even releases which have been licensed already but a U.S. release has not been published yet, this for example is the still missing episode 4 of Jiburiru the devil angel II by Milky which already has been licensed by Kitty Media !!!

The companies, which material may not be posted anymore are:

This was to be expected since a long time...

09-02-2009 / redrooster
I understand and agree with you, your aim being to keep this place running, and I wil never blame you for this !
Nevertheless, I want to say that I can't agree with the US point of view which is to claim their property anything they can buy, whoever is the real creator !!!
Most of all, the idea that the Net is their property as it has been created in Europe, not in the US is an awful lie ...
This list is at first what has been released in USA at some point.
Plus whatever raw anime are being sold by DLsite, on top of this.
What is really forbidden there is still under discussion ;) .
A question, why nutech is listed there? I think some of the stuff of that company can be posted since they already lost the rights or hold to distribute the Uncensored/licensed by them...

not sure about this though since it's an old information that I read way way back..
or I'm missing something here? or it just what this site is "no US stuff"...
It is still possible that another US company take over any Nutech license at any time. It is really happening on a regular basis (just check the "new releases" threads). Immoral Sisters II is the last title taken from the vault.
I honestly doubt everything from them will get re-released, right now 42 series are waiting for being picked up. But we make them forbidden as a preventive action.
yeah, it´s just a preventive action we took to avoid any trouble for the site, just like we banned Amorz or SoftCel Pictures titles. We do not need to be kicked in our ass first just to be more careful then.

Indeed not all Anime18, NuTech Digital or SoftCel Pictures titles will get a re-release as it seems, we just have to stay patient to see what will happen in the future...
The Linda manga link does not work and they are blocking foreign IPs on the Japanese part of their site.
I guess they don't want any foreigns view their manga. So can we post Linda manga since its unavailable to buy?

No, you can´t. Linda material still is banned and will stay banned material. It is absolutely independent from blocking foreign IP´s or whether the material can be bought or not.
Important update:

Most of the DLsite material (except all that belong to the Anime-Antena group, Pixy, Valkyria, etc) is removed from the forbidden list.

As I just said, the Pixy/Valkyrie/Anime-Antena stuff must not be posted, as it was the case before.

Please look at the detailed list in order to not make mistakes:

That does not overcome other rules, like the double posting rule.