Where do you save?
Doesn't that get expensive? And time consuming?I used to burn to DVD, but accumulated too many titles, so now just store them on external drives. The fear is, of course, that all drives eventually fail, so I have started backing up online.
What do you use to back them up online?I used to burn to DVD, but accumulated too many titles, so now just store them on external drives. The fear is, of course, that all drives eventually fail, so I have started backing up online.
You guys need to purchase or build a NAS or DAS, something with parity drives, to protect the data. Something like 3x8TB data drives with 1x8TB or 2x8TB parity drives. Then you have to back it up. Either duplicate the data onto more drives and store it off site, or use something like Backblaze or Crashplan +/- encryption.