Do you get turned off scenes old fucking young actress?

no . its doest matter for me .
i just skip other part or script ,
i never skip doggy and such , i can watch anything about pussy and cock
No, but I think it's only justified if it's part of the plot. Normally r***. Other than that I think casting old and unathletic men to fuck young and gorgeous women is a waste.
Always Yes. B'cas it will ruin my pleasure of watching the reverse. 'Young fucking old actress'.
Also, I put scissors in timeline If the old fucks young actress in my chosen movies. but still, I just keep the character for story & Don't let him fuck.
No, I actually get really turn on by it. If my Jav isn't looking like this then it's not it bussin

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I like the old man and young woman, as I also like, the older woman and young man theme. What I don't care for, is the forced/r***/non consensual aspect that seems to follow in the majority of these types of storylines.
DASD-542 is one of my favourites.
The hafu actress in this one is a real looker. Wish she was still active. The last one in this series was last year. Hopefully the director/studio make more.