Doxxing attempts by new, fake users


Active Member
Jan 12, 2012
I was sent a link by a new user which uses an IP logger. I reported this, but the report was 'rejected' with the vague message "no connection". To help others stay safe and limit the success any malicious users have, I am posting this info here.

Remember to not click on any links sent by others in private messages, even if they appear to use common domains. Sometimes one character will be in a different Unicode language set and not be noticeable right away, such as 'twiţ'.

Incomplete lists of known IP loggers are at and
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the original links in the report did not work, all I got was no connection message, and it did not make sense to me
action has been taken,

but as a caution to everyone, be aware of some links, most are fine but we do get the occasional one that is not

apologies to the original poster, but if the links do not work at that time, there is not much I can do, also if in doubt you can try in IRC as well
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