Easy way to detect multiple-accounts users??


Sep 7, 2008
these users have same info, using the same patron:

Biography: man
Location: random country
Interests: their username
Occupation: same as "location"

I doubt that these are actually the same users, but rather users who want to appear on the first page of the members list, hence the !!! before their names, could be automated registrations.

Nearly all users on the first page have weird advertising links in their signatures for their websites shown on their profiles. Theoretically it's easier for search engines to find your signature link if you're only two clicks (members list first page - profile) from the home page, and it would give you additional rank on SE's. Actually though I think all of the top SE's disregarded this method quite a while ago so it's a waste of time for them.

Same user or not, most users on the first pages of members lists on nearly every forum contribute nothing and are only there for a free link.
I've PM a mod last year for this before, he ban 59 accounts with the same ip.
my question is, is it worth it to find and ban this users? most of them didn't post nothing
(i know that there are members who are very active through PMs and visitors message, but i doubt is the case here)


Location: Idol Land

Location: Idol Wonderland

Location: エンプロランド (land)

are we spammer too? :pandalaugh:
These spam accounts are created every day like 10/day, this is worthless to track them down. They don't do much harm to the forum in general, because of the 7 days before posting, even after that period they can post only 3 times per 12 hours.