Editor needed for H-manga (already translated - loli, anal)


Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 7, 2006
Mission accepted.
I am looking for an editor for the H-manga 'roriana little anal collection' which was translated by Wadako several months ago. The translation exists as a text file. I have already added the text to 60 pages of the manga, leaving around 130 pages that need the text adding for a release of the entire tankoubon translated in a single volume.

Attached will give you an idea of the content of the manga as well as the quality of the translation.

Anyone GENUINELY interested in this task, please reply or pm and I can see about sending you the translation.

You can download the entire RAW hentai manga [Here]

Cover: http://i12.tinypic.com/3yg1tmu.jpg

All though I haven't really had any experience in editing for a scanlation group, it seems like every thing's all ready been cropped/cleaned/ect. In which case, I think I'm familiar/comfortable enough with Photoshop to provide decent text replacement.

If you haven't all ready found someone, or are looking for more then one, and don't mind my lack of experience-
I'd definitely be interested in doing this...
Me too!

I was interested in helping out Pedobear and his project, but I haven't seen any response, yet... well, since his accident, I can understand if response time is slow... I was going to re-express my interest in #rapefruit, but I was booted out by ^_^ for a non-offensive (yet, I admit, albeit stoopid) opening remark. :innocence2: Perhaps he found someone already. C'est la vie.

I'm currently translating a couple other H-mangas, which I intend to edit when translations are complete. However, during breaks of those projects, I prefer to translate/edit "light" material or offer assistance in editing. I've been looking for a group interested in an editor... but most have been asking me to translate. :innocence: Anyhow, I'm willing to help edit or co-edit (shout outs to 280).

Attached are samples of works I've translated and edited.

I know most of the files are huge... It's been a preference of mine, even when scanning. You may notice, I also like to edit the SFXs when possible. If you have particular preferences: file size and format, fonts, time constraints, SFX edits or no... please let me know. Thanks!
However, during breaks of those projects, I prefer to translate/edit "light" material or offer assistance in editing. I've been looking for a group interested in an editor... but most have been asking me to translate. :innocence: Anyhow, I'm willing to help edit or co-edit (shout outs to 280).

Attached are samples of works I've translated and edited.
Looking through your attachments, I can say I've already... erm, 'enjoyed' some of your work. :shy:
I really like your style of editing, especially your stance on sound effects. I can say I've already attempted to add some of the sound effects that weren't exactly included in the translation, but was limited to the albeit 'noob' ones. (...mostly 'あ', in fact, really just 'あ' and a few variations :blush:)

My Japanese skills are limited to what I can pick up on off of fansubs and the like, I've never quite trusted myself enough for self-study. (Read: I guess- 'lazy' :sob: Living in a relatively under-developed area, taking a class at the University isn't an option- you'll only find Spanish and French here.)

Back on topic though, I really don't want to overstep my authority, but I felt inclined to post after being 'shouted out'.
Being un-experienced in this field, I'm still rather self-conscious of my work and would welcome anyone to go over everything and point out, or correct anything I might have missed. Reading your post, I'm not quite sure exactly how much work you'd be interested in me passing over, but I'd be completely open to whatever course you think would be most beneficial.

So I guess the just of it is, if chompy's OK with it, I'd be happy to have you along.
Looking through your attachments, I can say I've already... erm, 'enjoyed' some of your work. :shy:

Thanks! I hope to continue improving as I go!

So I guess the just of it is, if chompy's OK with it, I'd be happy to have you along.

Likewise! :goodmood: I don't mind spitting the task with you and sharing what little I know! :secret: After all the more you practice, the better you'll get, and eventually you'll develop your own editing style. Let's see if Chompy's willing to take us up on our offer.

I actually consider myself to be a noob in editing as well. I'm constantly discovering new things in Photoshop and different ways of doing things. If you haven't discovered this site yet, I found this one to be great start.

Thanks! I hope to continue improving as I go!

Likewise! :goodmood: I don't mind spitting the task with you and sharing what little I know! :secret: After all the more you practice, the better you'll get, and eventually you'll develop your own editing style. Let's see if Chompy's willing to take us up on our offer.

I actually consider myself to be a noob in editing as well. I'm constantly discovering new things in Photoshop and different ways of doing things. If you haven't discovered this site yet, I found this one to be great start.

I have already supplied 280 with the edits which you will also find at http://www.akiba-online.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1614
How/if you divide the task between you is between you two, feel free to discuss in that hidden sandbox forum or by pm or email.
I've granted you access to the thread+edits.
Dang dude, I don't have alot of your stuff. Any idea where to get all these ?

Thanks for your interest. You must be very new to H-mangas.

Anyhow, go to Deadfrog (http://www.deadfrog.us/) or DATorrents (http://www.datorrents.com/), do a search for my name "tonigobe". There's a lot of nice people still seeding my older trans/edits. I also pitch in and seed whenever possible, too.
i'm always up for a interesting new project.
i currently edit for hentai-enishi, if you want any help feel free to drop me a mail.
No posts here for over a month.. Has the project died? :bow-pray:
But i shall keep my hopes up, there seemed to be some people willing to do the job.
Keeping the thread alive???

The project is still very much alive... at least for my part... Sorry for the delay... I think everyone involved has been a bit busy. This is just a side project for me, anyhow... But after finishing up Papiko Hiura's Boshi-kan, and chapter 4 of a revised b37c, I'm about to translate/edit a special "chapter" :puzzled: ... I guess you can call it that... for this project.
Hey there, just found this. Any word when it is coming out?

I ask as I co-translated this with my girlfriend at the time. I had the good English and she had the good Japanese. So some rather..erotic memories go with the text. (Before anyone wonders no, she was 20)

Anyway, looking forward to seeing the finished product.
I just finished my part of the project and just turned it in to Chompy yesterday.

Unfortunately, Chompy seems to be short on editors. The other editor for this project seems to be missing... no news... nothing... and Chompy is too busy with other business to edit any time soon. So it may be a while before he gets it all together.

Although I only agreed to doing 4 chapters plus a bonus story... I'll probably help Chompy out by editing a couple of the other storiesl... eventually.... I would like to see the finished product as well! However, I'm currently busy with projects of my own and projects for a couple other groups... so, at my current pace, I estimate it'll be a month before I can get to another chapter.

I'd love to post/torrent at least the chapters I worked on... but it is Chompy's project... and I don't want to piss him off!