The onichichi series is great, but the father daughter incest theme is much more prevalent in H games...take the [overdose] series for example...there is
Toppatsusei Milk Musume Chika "Mou, Papa no Sei de Ippai Dechauu! that is in my opinion one of the best daughter father incest hentai.
the previous one (always of overdose) is gorgeous too: 母乳が染み出る愛娘 愛美「お父さん、私のミルクたくさん搾って欲しいの……
There is also papa love hentai anime and game (they recently made papa love 2 as hentai game).
Not that there aren't many father daughter anime, but i heartily reccomend you to get into the h games, there is really really a lot to discover