FileJoker: Am I being frame-trapped into buying Premium?


New Member
Apr 2, 2024
So, I had a download interrupted today by a brief internet outage, and since I'm using the free version, I can't resume the download. No big deal, I'll just start it again, except Filejoker still thinks the file is still downloading. So my questions are as follows.....

*Has this happened to anyone else?
*How long can I expect FileJoker to think I'm still downloading a file?
*Is this a strategy on FileJoker's part to frametrap people into getting Premium?
I've had that happen a few times.
Not sure how long it takes but usually it's resolved the next day for me.
The whole free experience is meant to encourage you to buy premium, it just takes patience to use but it does work fine.

I'd try downloading as an anonymous user(log off your account), it removes the download limit(the size, not the speed, which may be worse) and they may not be able to tell if you have a potential download in use.
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You have to wait the time that the download would have taken had it never been interrupted, then wait the additional 3-4 hours inbetween individual free download. Some times though it happens where I have to wait even longer, seemingly like they doubled the waiting time (as if once the download is supposed to be finished, it gets "activated" again).

It's annoying for sure. Not encountered any other filehost do this.
Here recently when downloads would fail I had been having to wait close to 24 hours before the timer would start to tick down and now as of about 4 days ago I have been unable to use filejoker at all because the timer is permanently stuck at "Wait 9 hours 49 minutes 10 seconds to download for free."

I have been checking it once or twice a day and it just says that every time.
After 5 days everything resets so that should fix it. You can also contact their support to have it fixed.