I know... and like very much... Izumi Terasaki. As soon as I read your excellent guess, Djemba, I thought... yes! It could be her.
I opened up the lady's screen shots for HONE-173 from her Asian Screenspage, and some of the shots looked very similar to what is above.
From the movie:
I noticed she had a distinctive-looking ear. I opened up the movie, and found a shot where her hair did not cover up her ear (at right)...
That did not look "exact" enough for me (of course... the angle is not the same). But I noticed something else from the HONE-173 photos; she has a kind of an "outie" belly button.
So I opened up the movie again, and tried to find footage where her midsection is shown...
Well, I couldn't find a shot where she's stretched open, to show that mini-outie. I did, however, locate:
When scrunched, you get the same "slit" look... which is good, because we like seeing slits on the ladies... so I'd say we got closer to wrapping this up. Her breasts are similarly sized as well, with the big old pokies.
You've done it again; the dummies among the Akiba-Online community owe you so much.