flash uploader


Jul 23, 2008
Karakura Town
I kind of miss the old uploader where you could upload 5 files at a time. The Flash Uploader is great, I can upload a whole set at one time (30+ pix) but then it totally mixes up the order.....which really saffects the aeshetic purpose of a whole gallery. Any way we can get an easy sort routine of some type, so it sorts the pics alphanumerically instead of in the order the upload completes? Probably too difficult but any solution offered that doesn't totally defeat the purpose of mass uploading would be nice to hear.

I would even be happy to hear of a BBCode solution, if there is one (I know there are newer advanced BBCode functions). Sorting my attachments via BBCode would be easy enough to do if I could sort them all at one time by ascending or descending values (picture name/number).
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