Mizusawa Yuno (水沢柚乃)
Released in 2018-08-17
ISO is 3.84GB
MP4 is 2.66GB
Making Of (MP4) is 38.2MB
The translation for the movie's name 恥ずかしいオネダリ is Hazukashii Onedari which means "Embarrassing Begging".
I'm not 100% certain of my translation to the name but it's most likely that. Let me know if you definitely know better.
If someone has a better picture of the full cover than this one then please link it or upload it.
This seems to be her newest movie at the moment.
Released in 2018-08-17
ISO is 3.84GB
MP4 is 2.66GB
Making Of (MP4) is 38.2MB
The translation for the movie's name 恥ずかしいオネダリ is Hazukashii Onedari which means "Embarrassing Begging".
I'm not 100% certain of my translation to the name but it's most likely that. Let me know if you definitely know better.
If someone has a better picture of the full cover than this one then please link it or upload it.
This seems to be her newest movie at the moment.