Google won't censor itself


Active Member
Jan 19, 2011
I found this paragraph (highlighted in blue) to be priceless

On the news that Google announcing they will downrank sites "with too many valid DMCA takedown notices". Since isoHunt is currently listed as #3 of most noticed sites, that is likely to happen to to us.

But let's get it out of the way that we are crying foul just because we are scared of losing traffic. About 75% of all our traffic are direct traffic, with 21% coming from Google searches (and much of that being searches on "isohunt" and ""). So even if Google takes isoHunt entirely out of their index, we'll survive. Unless Google start censoring isoHunt at the Chrome browser level, but let's not give them any ideas.

What I want to bring to attention about this search algorithm change is Google is no longer the search engine upstart they used to be (for a while now). As Search Engine Land says, Google is now a content distribution company. What's missing on Google's DMCA notices report? Youtube. The by far largest video content website in the world ought to have very high volume of DMCA notices, if not the most, and it's inconspicuously missing from the list. To downrank and censor any website that's not Google's that receives a high number of DMCA notices? Sounds exactly like antitrust to me.


They're almost a monopoly.
They already are a monopoly if you consider the large percentage of users who don't know how to save an alternate search engine bookmark in their browser. It's another reason to STOP using them and their services. Not because of the fact that they are blocking everyone else but themselves. But because ..if this trend continues, it will trigger a domino kind of effect, and could have negative ramifications both political and economic. This should be a warning.

These are comparable. Maybe not as good in everything, but I've tested them and found most of what I was looking for.
The problem is, Google's name is so dug in the minds of the masses, it's difficult to get others to deviate from popular sentiment.

I have no real problem with Google. They created one of the most successful and innovative webspiders on the internet today and turned that into a great company with many branches. Google has helped change and develop the internet.

Trouble is thy are caught up in this copyright war just like many an internet sites and are now recieving over a 12 million automated takedown requests last month. That is not a misprint....I said 12 effing million DMCA requests.

So, no, Google does not want to censor itself and will fight that tooth and nail. I don't think they want to censor anybody. But they are fighting for survival here and I do not know for sure if they are winning, losing, or just keeping their heads above water.

I do appreciate the other search links though, and I will try them out. I would enjoy finding a search engine that can compare to Google, especially without the censorship. Just remember who is to blame for the censorship in the first place, because it certainly isn't Google.