Gore Screaming Show
Gore Screaming Show begins with the heartwarming return of Kyouji Jinno, a relatively unassuming yet personable student, to the remote suburban community of his early childhood. As he reacquaints himself with old friends in the immediate days that follow, Kyouji appreciatively discovers that the three preschool girls whom he was especially close with, have grown into beautiful young women. With his parents still employed overseas in the United States, Kyouji takes up residence with his aunt: a cheerful woman with an unusual passion for occult research, and relatively carefree in regards to his responsibilities. In this eased environment, Kyouji finds many opportunities to pursue leisure activities, reforming bonds of friendship that were nearly lost from his poignant separation and slowly realizing how cherished he was to people left behind.
Upon settling in his renewed life, and possibly sparking the flames of romance with an old friend in the process, the grateful Kyouji accepts a request from his aunt to help unravel mysteries concerning paranormal phenomena she is investigating. They immediately set off, accompanied by concerned friends in tow, into an ominous undeveloped forest that boarders the town. After learning the haunting details of an obscure local myth, the group splits apart to cover more ground quickly, whereupon Kyouji eventually stumbles across the goal of their search: a forgotten decayed well. Suddenly a lone adolescent girl appears, candidly forthcoming and friendly in disposition towards Kyouji, yet holding utter contempt and venomous hatred for his female companions. When the encounter is suddenly cut short, the nameless child inexplicably vanishes without a trace, leaving just as silently abrupt as she arrived. Thus the lock to Pandora’s Box is unbarred, and destiny sends Kyouji back into the forests a second time, further arousing the attentions of the mysterious young girl - an interest that inaugurates events of chaotic death and destruction in its wake… all of it committed in the pursuit of happiness once denied.
Developers : Black Cyc
Release Date : 2006-01-20
Language : Japanese
Size : 1 GB
Info : http://vndb.org/v933 and http://www.erogereview.com/2008/02/03/gore-screaming-show/
07 - [Gore Screaming Show] Yousei Teikoku - Distorted Pain.mp3
08 - [Gore Screaming Show] Yousei Teikoku - Tokigatsuru Yume.mp3
Download Links :
Folder Link : http://hotfile.com/list/327334/d6afe46
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Recovery Record Included
Gore Screaming Show begins with the heartwarming return of Kyouji Jinno, a relatively unassuming yet personable student, to the remote suburban community of his early childhood. As he reacquaints himself with old friends in the immediate days that follow, Kyouji appreciatively discovers that the three preschool girls whom he was especially close with, have grown into beautiful young women. With his parents still employed overseas in the United States, Kyouji takes up residence with his aunt: a cheerful woman with an unusual passion for occult research, and relatively carefree in regards to his responsibilities. In this eased environment, Kyouji finds many opportunities to pursue leisure activities, reforming bonds of friendship that were nearly lost from his poignant separation and slowly realizing how cherished he was to people left behind.
Upon settling in his renewed life, and possibly sparking the flames of romance with an old friend in the process, the grateful Kyouji accepts a request from his aunt to help unravel mysteries concerning paranormal phenomena she is investigating. They immediately set off, accompanied by concerned friends in tow, into an ominous undeveloped forest that boarders the town. After learning the haunting details of an obscure local myth, the group splits apart to cover more ground quickly, whereupon Kyouji eventually stumbles across the goal of their search: a forgotten decayed well. Suddenly a lone adolescent girl appears, candidly forthcoming and friendly in disposition towards Kyouji, yet holding utter contempt and venomous hatred for his female companions. When the encounter is suddenly cut short, the nameless child inexplicably vanishes without a trace, leaving just as silently abrupt as she arrived. Thus the lock to Pandora’s Box is unbarred, and destiny sends Kyouji back into the forests a second time, further arousing the attentions of the mysterious young girl - an interest that inaugurates events of chaotic death and destruction in its wake… all of it committed in the pursuit of happiness once denied.
Developers : Black Cyc
Release Date : 2006-01-20
Language : Japanese
Size : 1 GB
Info : http://vndb.org/v933 and http://www.erogereview.com/2008/02/03/gore-screaming-show/
07 - [Gore Screaming Show] Yousei Teikoku - Distorted Pain.mp3
08 - [Gore Screaming Show] Yousei Teikoku - Tokigatsuru Yume.mp3
Download Links :
Folder Link : http://hotfile.com/list/327334/d6afe46
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Recovery Record Included