H-animes by Milo Manara


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
As this site is Asian realated only this is an only informational post !!!

There are H-animes from other countries too, but will not be posted here! For example by the artist Milo Manara, please see the three attachments.

If you are interested and want to try downloading them please check the internet by yourself.

I´m fully accepting the site rules. So I´ve posted this in the Hentai discussion thread only. At least we can discuss this (I think...).

Denamic / Handyman - if this post is not o.k. please delete it.
that´s cool! manara is a great artist,

gonna search info about this vids :perfectplan:
pictures updated by another one...
LoL I almost bust my guts out seeing Rossi on that cover...

from the cover it seems have good artwork and nothing to be seen about the animation quality

actually these H-animes could be good if some artist from marvel does the job :XD:
Milo Manara's work is not technically "anime" or "manga" since this is european work. Let's call it adult cartoon :attention:

I have seen "Le Parfum de L'invisible" in french tv and I can say it's really crappy, bad animation and graphics don't make the movie enjoyable.
This is a critic (in french):

For the Parva movie, I don't know much, but it seems to not have any sex:

I don't know anything about the Valentino Rossi stuff (wtf?)
Le parfum de l´invisible at least is funny, European style of course is much different than Japanese, but I like both. There are no real sex scenes in Rossi´s Quarantasei (46 - his grid number) too, and the story isn´t as good as at the first one ment.

If you´re into it I would like to see Serpieri´s Druuna once as a video.

I prefer Chris, Colber, Eric von Gotha, Hugdebert, Jacobsen and Pichard as my favorite artists though.

The most interesting story for me is Paul Gillon - La survivante / L'héritier / La Revanche / L'ultimatum, and it took me some time to get all 4 books downloaded. They have been released 1985 to 1991.
There are no real sex scenes in Rossi´s Quarantasei (46 - his grid number) too, and the story isn´t as good as at the first one ment.

I guess this is similar with the adventures of Giuseppe Bergman (if you know this other work of Manara), a mix of light erotism and fantasy.

If you´re into it I would like to see Serpieri´s Druuna once as a video.

For sure it would be gorgeous. His works are still interesting, even if you remove all the sex.

The most interesting story for me is Paul Gillon - La survivante / L'héritier / La Revanche / L'ultimatum, and it took me some time to get all 4 books downloaded. They have been released 1985 to 1991.

I know only "la survivante". I remember reading all these books (Manara, Serpieri, Gillon, etc) as teenager, in regular shops without any control ! These were the good times !
If you are interested, most of those good old times European / French / Italian erotic comics can be dl by eMule.

Reg. Serpieri, I like Druuna, but the Red Indian / Cowboy comics he had made too are not quite my taste.

Reg. Gillon, the 4 books I´ve mentioned are the 4 parts of the same story, La Survivante 1-4. This is always ment. as subtitle too.