As he had said back there a few months ago
with a video where the president of the USA
asked their citizens to prepare themselves
for the things that were coming, and here
it's a clear example of what can do the HAARP.
And this is a fucking geoengineering experiment.
Someone have to give a fist on the table one
of these days and stop all this once forever.
Louisiana Flooding: 3 Dead, More Than 7,000 Rescued
5,000 in Shelters, Drivers Still Stranded on Interstate.
The video that went around the world.
Surely these people were amateur actors including the dog.
They have been paid for having appeared on TV.
Woman, Dog rescued from Sinking car in Louisiana flooding
What attracts the attention of this video is
that none of those people who are rescuing
the car the girl and the dog, show no signs
of being nervous.
They act as if it had been a training exercise
And have time to look at the camera and smile.
that none of those people who are rescuing
the car the girl and the dog, show no signs
of being nervous.
They act as if it had been a training exercise
And have time to look at the camera and smile.
Photos: Google