パンティ&ストッキングwithガーターベルト Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt BDRip [720p Dual-Audio]


Jul 23, 2008
Karakura Town
Well, I tried this, wasn't my cup of tea. However it has gotten some very good reviews so "what do I know?"
panty_&_stocking_with_garterbelt panty_(character) piromizu stocking_(character) thighhighs.jpg

The show revolves around the exploits of the Anarchy sisters, Panty and Stocking, angels who were kicked out of Heaven due to their bad behavior. They are sent to Daten City—a pun on the Japanese word datenshi (堕天使?, lit. "fallen angel")—a place located on the border between Heaven and Hell, which is besieged by evil spirits referred to as "Ghosts". Under the watchful eye of the reverend Garterbelt, the two are tasked with collecting enough Heaven Coins to buy their way back into Heaven by destroying Ghosts using their powers, including the ability to transform their lingerie into weapons. However, Panty and Stocking are constantly sidetracked by their respective interests in men and sugar.

Directed by Hiroyuki Imaishi
Music by Taku Takahashi
file size ...........................:300-500MB
Width ................................: 1280
Height ...............................:720
Display aspect ratio .............: 16:9
Audio Track 01....................English 5.1
Audio Track 02......................Japanese 2.0
Frame rate ..........................: 23.976
torrent size...........................5.82 GiB

All credit goes to Daman4Iife for the upload

Warning: Excessive Cursing,Sex. And Amazing English Dub


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