has this been done in a jav?


we all make mistakes
Jun 6, 2007
i've seen videos where a condom is filled with many loads of sperm. the actress sometimes does various things with it. but i've never seen this:

a girl holds a blown-up condom with a massive amount of sperm in it. somehow (either by blowing too much air into it, or pricking it with a pin, or burning it with a cigarette) the condom explodes and the sperm instantly goes flying everywhere, especially onto the girl's face and body. instant bukkake.

anyone know of a scene like that ?? something available on akiba-online would be a big plus. thanks in advance.
on the third anniversary of my unanswered post, i’ve decided to answer it myself. (all you masturbators out there should understand this.) actually, i’m not answering as much as expanding it as i have thought of a few other things that i haven’t seen (but would like to) in jav; and instead of starting a new post, i thought i’d be fashionable and revive an old one. this is also your opportunity to add things that you haven’t seen as well. maybe someone will help you find your heart’s desire… or the desire of some other organ. meanwhile, here are some i’m looking for:

cowgirl. but i mean cowgirl with a capital C. i want to see a japanese hottie in a cowgirl outfit (hat, boots, kerchief, chaps, gunbelt… maybe a peek-a-boo vest, no shirt, no pants). and this is the most important: as she rides that cock and gets orgasmic, she takes her six-shooters out of their holsters and starts firing away joyously at the ceiling. not some fake little toy cap sounds, i mean BANG! BANG!! BANG!!! now THAT’S a cowgirl. does anyone know of a scene like that?

cheerleader. with all the cheerleader cosplay out there, you’d think this would be easy. but it has eluded me. i want the girl to cheer while she’s getting fucked. is that too much to ask? first, if you are a porn star and can’t generate enough enthusiasm to perform a convincing cheer, then don’t put on the uniform. every other high school chick can do an elaborate and energetic routine. so can you. if not, get another job. second, if you are a cosplay porn director, if you haven’t figured out that the girl should keep at least part of her outfit on while fucking, then you too should get another job. (a naked girl fucking is not a cheerleader or anything else other than a naked girl.) the sexiest part of these outfits are the pom-poms. but in scene after scene, the first thing they do before fucking is take them off. NO !! take your skirt off so i can see you cunt. pull your top up so i can see your tits. but keep your pom-poms on! i don’t need to see your hands. with pom-poms and nothing else on, you’re still a cheerleader. so cheer! but do they ever cheer? no. they whine. they cry. [they don’t have to cry. during ‘time-stop’ videos, they fuck for hours and never make a sound.] i want to see the girl ride a cock with her outfit on and do a memorized routine with a big smile on her face, pom-poms flailing and more action than an energizer bunny with brand new 12-volt. then i want her to do another routine, but this time synchronized with one of her cheerleading buddies who is also riding a cock, maybe take off some of the outfit and the two of them fuck in stereo. etc etc with variations. does anyone know of scenes like these?

mature schoolgirl. there are some milfs out there in sailor outfits. good stuff. but i want something a step further. i want to see a very mature woman go back to high school and get humiliated by her new young classmates. and please, not a bunch of 30 year old porn stars masquerading as students. i want to see a generational difference… teenage girls just beating the crap out this old woman who has no right to wear their class uniform, getting the guys to fuck her or otherwise disrespect her. anyone know of scenes like these?

the spinner. realizing that i hadn’t seen the term used recently, i dropped it into the A-O search engine. sure enough, the last reference here to a spinner was in 2010. yet it was once common. (there are over half a dozen members here with ‘spinner’ in their names… most haven’t been active in over 5 years.) a spinner, if you don’t know, is a girl who is so small and limber that in theory she could be positioned on a cock with her legs spread out parallel to either side. her feet could then be tied to an apparatus suspended above her head so that she could be spun round and round like a wheel while continuously riding the cock. that’s the theory. i’ve never seen it done. anyone ever see a bona fide spinner scene?

spastic dancer. (i’m told that ‘spastic’ is a politically incorrect word these days. honestly, i’m not looking for friends, just dirty movies.) i saw one jav with a spastic dancer long ago. what i mean by that is a girl who is completely uncoordinated and who, try as she might, just cannot get the beat. i suppose jav dance movies might have such, but probably not. these are usually full of strippers and flashers. they all wiggle well enough. i think the premise of the one i saw was of auditioning various amateurs for a film (“what can you do? can you sing? can you dance? can you fuck?”). and the one spaz wasn’t going to be left out over a few dance steps. her utter failure was quite memorable. anyone with leads to similar scenes is encouraged to post them. it doesn’t have to be jav. but certainly female japanese. not your fat uncle fred at the wedding reception.

buckets. i have an unnatural attraction to many different objects. the bucket of sperm remains for me a type of unholy grail. you’d think that with all those bukkake studios dousing an endless parade of actresses in rivers of sperm, that somewhere along the line would be a bucket or two of collected cum. i don’t mean pints, mugs, jars, trays, mirrors, or other glass thingys. it has to be a bucket. what do you clean the floor with? a bucket and a mop. what kind of liquid is in a bucket? dirty, nasty stuff. it’s the logical container for cum collection. an old dirty wooden bucket. (i can feel the fearful among you concluding that the contents could be faked. i don’t care. get milky cat to do it. they’ll do it right.) fill up a bucket right to the brim on camera. maybe a split screen… with the guys jacking off into it on the left, and a gorgeous jav actress primping herself on the right, unaware of what’s going on. but then, once the bucket is full, and once her hair is combed right and her make-up is perfect, and when she least expects it, SURPRISE! they dunk her head in the bucket of sperm. maybe hold it under a moment. finally let her up. instant bukkake. total humiliation. anyone know of a scene like this?

i've got more. but that's enough for now.
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cowgirl. but i mean cowgirl with a capital C. i want to see a japanese hottie in a cowgirl outfit (hat, boots, kerchief, chaps, gunbelt… maybe a peek-a-boo vest, no shirt, no pants). and this is the most important: as she rides that cock and gets orgasmic, she takes her six-shooters out of their holsters and starts firing away joyously at the ceiling. not some fake little toy cap sounds, i mean BANG! BANG!! BANG!!! now THAT’S a cowgirl. does anyone know of a scene like that?

For some reason I can't see that being a serious scene; in my head, that would be just way too funny! :D

cheerleader. with all the cheerleader cosplay out there, you’d think this would be easy. but it has eluded me. i want the girl to cheer while she’s getting fucked. is that too much to ask? first, if you are a porn star and can’t generate enough enthusiasm to perform a convincing cheer, then don’t put on the uniform. every other high school chick can do an elaborate and energetic routine. so can you. if not, get another job. second, if you are a cosplay porn director, if you haven’t figured out that the girl should keep at least part of her outfit on while fucking, then you too should get another job. (a naked girl fucking is not a cheerleader or anything else other than a naked girl.) the sexiest part of these outfits are the pom-poms. but in scene after scene, the first thing they do before fucking is take them off. NO !! take your skirt off so i can see you cunt. pull your top up so i can see your tits. but keep your pom-poms on! i don’t need to see your hands. with pom-poms and nothing else on, you’re still a cheerleader. so cheer! but do they ever cheer? no. they whine. they cry. [they don’t have to cry. during ‘time-stop’ videos, they fuck for hours and never make a sound.] i want to see the girl ride a cock with her outfit on and do a memorized routine with a big smile on her face, pom-poms flailing and more action than an energizer bunny with brand new 12-volt. then i want her to do another routine, but this time synchronized with one of her cheerleading buddies who is also riding a cock, maybe take off some of the outfit and the two of them fuck in stereo. etc etc with variations. does anyone know of scenes like these?

This, on the other hand, would be awesome! The cheerleaders riding the whole team in the locker room and cheering on them while they're at would definitely be the best way to express their love and support! :) I also agree with you on your point about cosplay titles and the removal of clothes... I don't understand what makes directors think that it's a good idea for the actress to be completely naked in a scene that's about cosplay.

this is also your opportunity to add things that you haven’t seen as well

Well, I think I have already made a post about the only thing that I'd like to see in JAV here. (And it's only got one like! One! Can you believe it?! Well, at least one akiba-online member has got good taste. :P )
Leave it to the fertile mind of Barba to come up with such imaginative "Scenes We Would Like to See." (Credit: MAD Magazine.)

Further: Kudos on timing the revival of old thread at exactly three years.

Finding JAVs fitting the described scenes would be, in my opinion, a...

tall order.jpg

... Yes, a tall order.

I've got to add, the one thing I dislike about superheroine JAV is the filmmakers' insistence of keeping most of the costume on during the sex scenes. I'd prefer as much nudity as possible after we have established that the heroine indeed has a costume, but I understand the reason why they do this is probably because porn viewers are seen as the dimmer bulbs of the household, and we've just got to keep drumming home the point that the superheroines are indeed superheroines. So the insistence on keeping the cheerleader mostly clothed was met in my corner with reservations. But, okay, I can live with the top rolled up, and definitely the pom-poms.

One of the described scenarios flashed a memory cell, and I have spent a bit too long digging out the JAVs I had in mind:

Mature schoolgirl. there are some milfs out there in sailor outfits. good stuff. but... i want to see a very mature woman go back to high school and get humiliated by her new young classmates... teenage girls just beating the crap out this old woman... getting the guys to fuck her or otherwise disrespect her...

There is an effective series called "Bullying Students Group" where the victims are both students and adults, but the adults play teachers, and this does not fit the criteria. What I like about it is that the bullying girls are evil, and their victims get a good (non-violent) thrashing. Unfortunately, the sex is in short supply, although a little cunnilingus and maybe a dash of strap-on is added here and there.

Rika Nagasawa made for a great adult victim in NHDT-603, the fourth in the five-film series.

Another possibility that came to mind was Veteran High School Girls ~ CATCHEYE Vol.63 [DRC-063], an uncensored affair with Azusa Misaki and one of my favorites, the irrepressible and glamorous Satsuki Kirioka (screen shots):


This one does not fill the bill, because the "veteran" schoolgirls are accepted as one of the gang, and are not abused. (Besides, it's an uncensored movie, so you can't expect too much innovation.)

Finally, there was another contender that I didn't think would make the grade — it has been a long while since I've seen the flick — but now that I'm observing the screen shots, I am noticing there is abuse going on, and some of the abusers are girls. So maybe this one will be a pretty good suggestion.

Male Students Gravitate to 35-Year-Old 2nd-Year Student Maki Hojo's Indecent Body Who is Old Enough to Be Their Parent [SDMS-903]



There was also a follow-up to the 2009 movie in the following year, Schoolboys Young Enough To Be Her Son Swarm Around The Slutty Body Of Misa Yuki, The 35 Year Old Schoolgirl [SDMT-118]:


For some reason I can't see that being a serious scene; in my head, that would be just way too funny! :D


i’d say the ride of miyu suenaga in smac-055 ‘idol rodeo vol 1’ is not serious, but it’s no laughing matter either. i think it illustrates the potential of my more adult cowgirl scene. but only for jav. in real life, i wouldn’t let anyone in my bed with a gun. goddam chicks’ll blow your head off every time. if anyone likes miyu, you can find links here:

say, whatever happened to akiba member ‘scorres’, aka ‘kid sybian’? the rodeo boys don’t rock like they used to.
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For some reason I can't see that being a serious scene; in my head, that would be just way too funny! :D

This, on the other hand, would be awesome! The cheerleaders riding the whole team in the locker room and cheering on them while they're at would definitely be the best way to express their love and support! :) I also agree with you on your point about cosplay titles and the removal of clothes... I don't understand what makes directors think that it's a good idea for the actress to be completely naked in a scene that's about cosplay.

Well, I think I have already made a post about the only thing that I'd like to see in JAV here. (And it's only got one like! One! Can you believe it?! Well, at least one akiba-online member has got good taste. :p )
You didnt mention there are pictures of Cyndi Wang wearing miniskirt and a stewardess outfite34441.gif
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You didnt mention there are pictures of Cyndi Wang wearing miniskirt and a stewardess outfitView attachment 656278

Oh, there are not only pictures, but also videos... and there are some upskirts, too! :cinta: But we're getting pretty off-topic here. If you're interested, send me a PM or something and I can give you some links! :)
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on the third anniversary of my unanswered post, i’ve decided to answer it myself. (all you masturbators out there should understand this.) actually, i’m not answering as much as expanding it as i have thought of a few other things that i haven’t seen (but would like to) in jav; and instead of starting a new post, i thought i’d be fashionable and revive an old one. this is also your opportunity to add things that you haven’t seen as well. maybe someone will help you find your heart’s desire… or the desire of some other organ. meanwhile, here are some i’m looking for:

cowgirl. but i mean cowgirl with a capital C. i want to see a japanese hottie in a cowgirl outfit (hat, boots, kerchief, chaps, gunbelt… maybe a peek-a-boo vest, no shirt, no pants). and this is the most important: as she rides that cock and gets orgasmic, she takes her six-shooters out of their holsters and starts firing away joyously at the ceiling. not some fake little toy cap sounds, i mean BANG! BANG!! BANG!!! now THAT’S a cowgirl. does anyone know of a scene like that?

cheerleader. with all the cheerleader cosplay out there, you’d think this would be easy. but it has eluded me. i want the girl to cheer while she’s getting fucked. is that too much to ask? first, if you are a porn star and can’t generate enough enthusiasm to perform a convincing cheer, then don’t put on the uniform. every other high school chick can do an elaborate and energetic routine. so can you. if not, get another job. second, if you are a cosplay porn director, if you haven’t figured out that the girl should keep at least part of her outfit on while fucking, then you too should get another job. (a naked girl fucking is not a cheerleader or anything else other than a naked girl.) the sexiest part of these outfits are the pom-poms. but in scene after scene, the first thing they do before fucking is take them off. NO !! take your skirt off so i can see you cunt. pull your top up so i can see your tits. but keep your pom-poms on! i don’t need to see your hands. with pom-poms and nothing else on, you’re still a cheerleader. so cheer! but do they ever cheer? no. they whine. they cry. [they don’t have to cry. during ‘time-stop’ videos, they fuck for hours and never make a sound.] i want to see the girl ride a cock with her outfit on and do a memorized routine with a big smile on her face, pom-poms flailing and more action than an energizer bunny with brand new 12-volt. then i want her to do another routine, but this time synchronized with one of her cheerleading buddies who is also riding a cock, maybe take off some of the outfit and the two of them fuck in stereo. etc etc with variations. does anyone know of scenes like these?

mature schoolgirl. there are some milfs out there in sailor outfits. good stuff. but i want something a step further. i want to see a very mature woman go back to high school and get humiliated by her new young classmates. and please, not a bunch of 30 year old porn stars masquerading as students. i want to see a generational difference… teenage girls just beating the crap out this old woman who has no right to wear their class uniform, getting the guys to fuck her or otherwise disrespect her. anyone know of scenes like these?

the spinner. realizing that i hadn’t seen the term used recently, i dropped it into the A-O search engine. sure enough, the last reference here to a spinner was in 2010. yet it was once common. (there are over half a dozen members here with ‘spinner’ in their names… most haven’t been active in over 5 years.) a spinner, if you don’t know, is a girl who is so small and limber that in theory she could be positioned on a cock with her legs spread out parallel to either side. her feet could then be tied to an apparatus suspended above her head so that she could be spun round and round like a wheel while continuously riding the cock. that’s the theory. i’ve never seen it done. anyone ever see a bona fide spinner scene?

spastic dancer. (i’m told that ‘spastic’ is a politically incorrect word these days. honestly, i’m not looking for friends, just dirty movies.) i saw one jav with a spastic dancer long ago. what i mean by that is a girl who is completely uncoordinated and who, try as she might, just cannot get the beat. i suppose jav dance movies might have such, but probably not. these are usually full of strippers and flashers. they all wiggle well enough. i think the premise of the one i saw was of auditioning various amateurs for a film (“what can you do? can you sing? can you dance? can you fuck?”). and the one spaz wasn’t going to be left out over a few dance steps. her utter failure was quite memorable. anyone with leads to similar scenes is encouraged to post them. it doesn’t have to be jav. but certainly female japanese. not your fat uncle fred at the wedding reception.

buckets. i have an unnatural attraction to many different objects. the bucket of sperm remains for me a type of unholy grail. you’d think that with all those bukkake studios dousing an endless parade of actresses in rivers of sperm, that somewhere along the line would be a bucket or two of collected cum. i don’t mean pints, mugs, jars, trays, mirrors, or other glass thingys. it has to be a bucket. what do you clean the floor with? a bucket and a mop. what kind of liquid is in a bucket? dirty, nasty stuff. it’s the logical container for cum collection. an old dirty wooden bucket. (i can feel the fearful among you concluding that the contents could be faked. i don’t care. get milky cat to do it. they’ll do it right.) fill up a bucket right to the brim on camera. maybe a split screen… with the guys jacking off into it on the left, and a gorgeous jav actress primping herself on the right, unaware of what’s going on. but then, once the bucket is full, and once her hair is combed right and her make-up is perfect, and when she least expects it, SURPRISE! they dunk her head in the bucket of sperm. maybe hold it under a moment. finally let her up. instant bukkake. total humiliation. anyone know of a scene like this?

i've got more. but that's enough for now.

it has been over seven years since my original query in this thread. no one ever came up with a scene where a condom is filled with about a hundred loads of sperm then exploded over a girl’s head, resulting in a form of instant bukkake. it has been over four years since my follow-up post, inquiring into the existence of scenes featuring any of the following: cosplay cowgirls with real guns blazing; cheerleaders riding cock and doing cheers at the same time; a sailor-milf getting bullied in class by teenaged sailor-girls and fucked by the boy students; a spinner (i mean, a real spinner) in action; hopelessly uncoordinated dancers; or a girl getting her head dunked in a bucket of sperm. [see previous posts for more details on all those.] i still have hope. maybe you have seen some of these things and just forgot that ol’ barba was looking for them. or maybe it’s time for me to move on to other perversions and outlandish behavior that perhaps you’ve seen in jav but i have not. if so, here are a few more things i’m looking for:

girl with three boobs:

in the real world, this is more common than you might think. but in the age of plastic surgery, females often get these things fixed at an early age. nevertheless, maybe such an extraordinarily endowed babe found her way into the world of jav. even three tits on a flat chest would be nice. or how about a chick with two sets of great big bazarroomies. anything along those lines would be welcome.

girl giving the finger while fucking:

yes, we see lots of nice little two-fingered V-signs given while fucking (with various degrees of enthusiasm). i want to see real expressions of contempt… contempt toward the guy or guys fucking her, toward the camera, toward anyone else in the room… and not before the fuck, not after the fuck, during the fuck. i want unmistakable, stiff, extended, hateful middle fingers. anyone seen that?

girl dancing and fucking at the same time:

cheerleaders cheer. dancers dance. they all fuck… but never while they’re cheering or dancing. (yes, i like simultaneity.) there are plenty of dance-and-fuck videos but the girls always do one after the other. for once, please do them at the same time! what’s so difficult about that? you’d think i was asking them to dance, juggle three balls, and sing the catalina magdalena hoopensteiner wallendiner song. you need instructions? the guy lies on the floor (or have him lie on a long, low beam for better leverage), you straddle him, insert cock, and gyrate to loud noise. do the boogaloo. throw your hands around. bounce this way then bounce that way. do all the things you normally do but keep that cock inside you. now that’s dancing.

school “bucket punishment” fuck:

yeah, i know… buckets again. so sue me. you can find javs with a schoolgirl holding the buckets where someone will start to molest her. but before any real interaction begins, guess what happens? that’s right, she always puts down the buckets. doesn’t anybody in the jav industry understand? who cares if she fucks without them? that’s common. if she fucks and has to hold those buckets, that’s rare. that’s great! you don’t revere shun fujimoto because he won olympic gold with his gymnastics routine. you revere him because he did the winning routine WITH A BROKEN LEG! that’s rare. that’s sublime. now you have opportunities to put rare things in your videos. do it. put those buckets to good use. punish that girl. fuck her and make her keep holding those buckets. tell her if she spills a drop of water while taking that dick, she’ll undergo far worse. i bet she’ll hold them steady all day long. and then you’ll have something rare. you’ll have a champ on your hands. (and you can punish her tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that.)

guy wearing a red backpack during sex:

turnabout is fair play. therefore, a guy wearing a red backpack is fair cosplay. in fact, i wouldn’t mind seeing some his-and-her red backpack fucking if any exists. i haven’t thought this one through. i suppose it could lead to charges of transvestitism. that’s not my scene, really. i just want to see a guy fucking with a red back pack. maybe even a yellow hat.

sperm filled squirt guns:

we’ve all seen those silly cannons that shoot out gallons of fake jizz from underneath a mosaiced male organ. i’m talking about something different… something using a much smaller amount of real sperm that can target jav stars in a semi-controlled manner. you really don’t need a lot of sperm to paint faces or even bodies, nor do you need a lot of force to apply it. (some of the best facials come from globs of goo that barely made it out of a soupman’s shaft.) i want to see jav with off-camera devices that shoot real sperm onto the faces and bodies of jav stars. has anyone seen something like this? i’ve seen oil applied from overhead and then spread around a body, but never shots of sperm accurately and artistically delivered, and then left to dribble down chins and breasts to awaiting twats. i mentioned squirt guns for lack of a better idea. but actually, the old plastic squirt gun could be of service along with other devices that can gently toss jizz through the air with varying force. the girl could receive this kind of hosing in a variety of sexual moods to achieve various erotic effects. i’ve seen something like this done in idol videos where the girl is splattered with milk from off-camera. now i want the real deal. i want nasty, slimy loads of real sperm delivered in a manner well-timed and well-received. i realize a bit of preparation would be involved. the producers would have to hoard up some sperm. i think they could do that. it wouldn’t surprise me to learn that some companies keep a barrel or two on hand leftover from bukkake shoots. let’s put them to good use!

if you know of jav scenes with stuff like this (or stuff like from my previous inquiries), please reply. or feel free to add anything you feel has been omitted from the great opus of the jav industry. who knows, maybe i’ve seen what you’re looking for. i have seen some odd stuff.
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well, what do you know? somebody out there in jav land took notice of one of my suggestions:
Mutation! Third Nipple Girl! Because Of The Complex That Has 3 Beaches Even Though It Has The Same Sexual Desire As Anyone, A Hidden Debut Of Masturbation 365 Days A Year, A Bright Debut! !!
three nipple jav star fone-117.jpg

now this really isn’t a case of three full booby-woobys. but hey, it’s the thought that counts. arigato! three tits is a good start. i’m sure lots of you have seen ‘total recall’. both versions feature brief encounters with a three-boobed prostitute. if hollywood can do it, so can jav. and there’s no need for futuristic alien worlds. the girl next door will do. (save cab fare that way.) i don’t know for sure whether the good folks at ‘first star’ made fone-117 as a result of my suggestion. more likely, they did in spite of it or without knowing of it, finding out only later on and woefully ruing the fact. [“yeah, that guy barba again… still telling us what to do. he wanted three titted jav stars.” “that bastard! well, we can’t stop production now. we’ve already spent a fortune. just don’t let anybody tell him. maybe it’ll slip by.”]

it didn’t slip by. so now it’s time to put some of my other ideas into effect. i’m sure i’m not the only guy who would get a monstrous, rock-hard boner from the sight of a beautiful jav star’s face being unceremoniously dunked into a bucket of sperm. or… well, you can read all my other suggestions in the postings above. maybe you’ve seen some of them in scenes of already published jav (literal blasts from the past). let a poor wanker know. or maybe you’ve got a few of your own to add. you can do so right here. now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the jav industry.
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"girl giving the finger while fucking:

yes, we see lots of nice little two-fingered V-signs given while fucking (with various degrees of enthusiasm). i want to see real expressions of contempt… contempt toward the guy or guys fucking her, toward the camera, toward anyone else in the room… and not before the fuck, not after the fuck, during the fuck. i want unmistakable, stiff, extended, hateful middle fingers. anyone seen that?"

Depending on how one defines contempt, Hamasaki Maso gives the Cuckold Sign in CESD-388 at about 2hr 16-17min during DP. I have not found another example of the cuckold sign, sign of the horns, in JAV?
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the cuckold sign. the sign of the horns. yes, that’s a good one. not sure if it’s used in japan generally, thus in part explaining its rarity in jav. i do recall that when yui saotome dyed her hair blonde and started playing a street girl with an attitude [or, as people with attitudes say, “a attitude”], she would express various forms of vocal and visual contempt, but usually not while fucking. [i guess multi-tasking is hard for jav stars. but it’s the hard that makes it great.] here is blonde yui in fsre-018 making the cuckold sign with one hand and disguising it with a pisu in the other. one could argue that it is merely incidental and not done with intended malice. but hey, it’s there. further, she sticks her tongue out at the same time and obviously has a attitude.

yui finger tongue1.png

“the finger” isn’t any more of a japanese expression. but given that the west employs it quite often and that western culture is constantly coming in with the tide, i thought it would eventually make it’s way into jav, if only in the context of a sweet little jav star forced to play a dirty, ill-mannered “yankee girl”. and we do see a middle-digit loom now and then, but unfortunately not while fucking. we need a modern-day janet lynn or jun inoue to champion the gesture among the japanese and help place it where it belongs.

thefinger yukari miyazawa mcma-001.jpg