Having Breakfast With 50 Jr. Idols


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
So there I was, spending the night in San Francisco, prior to returning to Hollyweird, and during the am, I stop by to enjoy the "Free" continental repast.

The entire room was filled with 11 to 13 year old Japanese girls, and a few boys.

Only 6 adults to watch them, so it was a bit hectic.

Outside, a huge bus was awaiting their pleasure.

I could not help noticing they all had the same haircut. (Except for a few boys) Tight bowl cut, boys and girls together..

For the younger ones, it was difficult to determine gender. (Without staring) :grassdance:

An eclectic selection of shoes was the only item to divert from the "All the same" appearance.

Same wind breaker jacket, same hair, same pants, and weird shoes..

Sadly, I elected not to film the group, but it was amazing to watch the interaction between them all..

Perhaps next time.. :joker:
How did you know they were Japanese?
'Cuz dem all azn face!'
I asked..

I was actually surprised to hear this response. I have seen my fair share of pictures of Japanese schoolgirls. It is a fetish in Japan and Japanese imageboards abound. I have never seen the bowl cut popularized in Japan among schoolgirls. I have seen that perhaps of Chinese schoolgirls and maybe even Korean but not Japanese. Japanese schools dictate clothing regulations but I have never heard of hairstyle requirements.

I don't think these girls in the attached photo are Japanese but I can't tell for sure, yet I have been dying for a place to share this pic so here it is. The girls may not all be the prettiest but there sure are a lot of them. It is a great group photo.
The girls appeared to be a "Group" of athletes of some sort. The outfit seemed to be similar to "Sweats" from a team. Perhaps they were on tour.. That I did not ask..
Looking at it, I can give you a 95% chance the girls in that photo are not Japanese. There are too many plump vs. not-plump girls, the uniforms do not match up with the standard uniform worn by high school students, the faces do not look Japanese, there is an incredible lack (although SOME) of peace-signs with the hands -AND- the uniforms look somewhat shoddy with the green patches poorly sewn on.

The green patch alone would make me think not Japanese as it would be too 'undignified' to have such a poor looking school name-patch. Not only that but when looking through the names, they are -ALL- in kanji with none at all being represented by hiragana which is uncommon especially among such a large group of people.

I'd wager chinese just due to how round the faces are.
Looking at it, I can give you a 95% chance the girls in that photo are not Japanese. There are too many plump vs. not-plump girls, the uniforms do not match up with the standard uniform worn by high school students, the faces do not look Japanese, there is an incredible lack (although SOME) of peace-signs with the hands -AND- the uniforms look somewhat shoddy with the green patches poorly sewn on.

The green patch alone would make me think not Japanese as it would be too 'undignified' to have such a poor looking school name-patch. Not only that but when looking through the names, they are -ALL- in kanji with none at all being represented by hiragana which is uncommon especially among such a large group of people.

I'd wager chinese just due to how round the faces are.

Good points, all. I was actually leaning towards North Korean but that seemed so unlikely I didn't mention it earlier. Still a great group photo, even if it is not very professionally done. The angle of the photo means it was taken from a decent height and you can tell that quite a few young ladies missed being in the photo. Still, the girls seem in good spirits and having a good time overall and there must be at least fifty girls in that photograph, (and six teachers). Hard to get that many girls on the same page so it is definetly a special occasion of some kind. It is in no way an erotic photo but I like it nonetheless. Happy moments caught on camera are just good shares.

Thx for your comments.
Thinking back, the short haircut may indeed be sports related..

I'm not a soccer player, but it seems to me long hair would get in the way..
Thinking back, the short haircut may indeed be sports related..

I'm not a soccer player, but it seems to me long hair would get in the way..

There is a pretty large Japanese sub-culture in San Francisco but I would think the vast majority are natural born Americans. I cannot think of any international youth event in San Francisco that would make a trip of Japanese students worthwhile except tourism at this time. Soccer and Volleyball are two popular sports in Japan but I do not believe either one is of mixed genders. It is most likely that were from San Francisco and only told you they were Japanese when they actually meant Japanese-Americans, (a term I abhor: you either are American or you are not).

The San Francisco Cup is in May but it is a little early to be there for that. I could see a Japanese team possibly entering that but I do not know if they ever have.
Short hair is to conform with school rules and has nothing to do with any of the sporting clubs. After high-school, it's up to the individual to choose their own hair style if they continue within university.

That does NOT ring true with all schools though, in several instances, the ONLY method for a Japanese child to show some of their inner personality is through their hair-style however there are still several schools that have hair 'standards' which the child & family must abide by if they want to go to that school. Changing a hair color or style has been grounds for expulsion in some cases (as was the case with my wife's youngest sister when she dyed her hair to a dark brown rather than straight back, she was asked not to return to school until she changed it back to black, or simply go to another school).
Short hair is to conform with school rules and has nothing to do with any of the sporting clubs.

Sate my curiousity. What schools have you ever heard of or seen in Japan require a "bowl cut". Uniform standards I was aware of, I had even heard of the hair coloring matter but above the shoulders? For a girl? Even for boys a bowl cut is unusual. Long hair on boys is usually frowned on and close cropped hair regulations are more common.

So I had to do some reading up on the subject. Japanese schools have numerous rules. The rules are referred to as kosoku. Rules concern a variety of different things including student's hair (tohatsu rules). Students are not supposed to dye their hair and are supposed to leave it the normal Japanese black hair color. I have seen references to boys getting in trouble for their hair too long or for facial hair but nothing on the length of girls hair.

I did come across some good photos though, as well as a better understanding of the Japanese school system.
The few things I know, they had matching sweat type long sleeve windbreakers, (With stars all over) short hair, (Not butch or dyke) exotic shoes on a few, and a large bus outside.

The hotel, (Motel?) was adjacent to the San Francisco airport.

I'm not sure if they were just arriving, or ready to depart..

I enjoyed the smiling faces and the joy they seemed to all have.

(And, I'm sure they were not Jr. Idols really) :pandalaugh: