Hello! And bumping etiquette?


New Member
Mar 29, 2009
Is it okay to bump old torrents (year old) to request people to reseed? Or should I ask in the Requests forum?
when there is an existing thread you should start asking for a reseed just in this thread, if you are not successful please make a post in the request section.
when there is an existing thread you should start asking for a reseed just in this thread, if you are not successful please make a post in the request section.

Thank you!

One other similar question: if I'm looking for an ISO version of an old posted video (AVI), should I bump that thread or post in the Requests section? I kind of jumped the gun on this one and already posted in the Requests section.
when there was only an AVI posted yet and no DVDISO please start a new thread in the request section.