Help find a way to download from pornve

The guy the runs Tdarkangel uploaded all his movies to pornve(full length).

If only we could download from it. It would make collecting so much easier.

I tried IDM and jdownloader to no avail.
Every tried the Ant Video Downloader?
But to be honest: The quality of the movies is so dame bad - you don't want to download them...
I tried IDM and jdownloader to no avail.
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I can download from there but it's not worth the hassle.

First off, I have to disable my adblockers before I can watch (or download) any movies, causing several popups and then you get a lousy quality. The Tdarkangel video I downloaded was only 200 MB for a 2 hour movie and it turned out he managed that by making the resolution only 320x194. Come on, that'd dialup age quality.

If you really want to get that crap, use Chrome with the "GetThemAll Video Downloader" addon and all adblockers switched off and you shouldn't have any problems. But you'd have to be pretty desperate, in my opinion.
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If you use firefox flashgot works perfectly fine, I went on a download rampage when i found that site a month ago, and flashgot worked great

Hey I tried using flashgot but it only gets the html file not the actual video. Gimme a lil help?
I am so impressed with the answers here... what knowledge when it comes to Stream Downloads!

Hi, Qwerty07; I checked out one vid from that site for (RBD301), and if it serves as a regular example, the movies are split into two parts. That's better than some stream sites annoyingly splitting the chapters to an even greater number, but are you sure you can't get most of these titles elsewhere in complete (one part) form? (I really should have checked before asking, but since you described their library as "massive," I suppose that means there are many rarities included.)

So the first installment ran for 113 MB, and assuming the second hour-long installment goes for similar, we're talkin' 230 MB. That's on the low end for a two-hour flick (acceptable runs for 400-500 MB, in my book, but I can live with the 300s, too), yet I agree with you; if you have to get something that is not available elsewhere, better low quality than no movie.

I don't have a download manager (I tried IDM once, but it took control over some things and I uninstalled it), but I have always got the feeling I've been at a disadvantage; I've read report after report about how magical the two download managers (that you have mentioned) are. (I once downloaded "My Pony" for a site that needed it, but I rarely used it for anything else. That particular download manager failed with stubborn downloads too.)

Point being, I found it ironic that you had no success with the two download managers, because I tried downloading the one example, and the programs in my possession responded. (I see from Firefox's "NoScript" add-on that the stream service is "JW Player." Sometimes one can get it to work for downloading purposes, but other times JW Player has been impossible.)

(Those complaining about the pop-ups used by these sleaze sites may limit some by adding "NoScript.")

I have a feeling you don't use Chrome (given that Electromog's suggestion, "GetThemAll Video Downloader," would most likely have worked; I don't have that particular add-on myself), otherwise you would not have zeroed in on Paparoach408's recommendation for "Flashgot." I don't have Flashgot, but one thing I am aware of is that while some download programs work for others, it may not work for you. (In other words, even if someone were to advise you on how to get Flashgot to behave itself, some of your settings could still get in the way.)

In my case, FDV (Fast Video Downloader) did the trick with Chrome, but with what sounds to be (in your case) the more critical Firefox, try my favorite add-on, Download Helper. (Now evidently called "My Download Helper," for a long time out-of-commission with later versions of Firefox, but it appears revamped in a big way. It has lost some of its charm, but I find Download Helper may be counted on, most of the time.)

Do not use "Fast Video Downloader," as it utilizes a service ("" - I referred to the problem here) which slows down Chrome. One to go for is called "FVD Video Downloader" (see how I confused the two, above) - it's not supported by Chrome (so there might also be something fishy about it), and I find that I need to "enable" it from time to time.

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Thanks for the help jugulear. I hate having to install a million download managers but I'll try your suggestions.

I have both chrome and firefox but recently switched over to FF.
Yo they've really upgraded the site now and added a LOT of new HD quality vids. But...I can't download anymore... !!
Why not?

If none of the stream downloading programs that have been suggested work for you, then it sounds like the problem is not with any of the programs, but that there is something very wrong. Wish you would have been more specific.

Since I wrote my bit about Pornve above, I've certainly gone back to get a better idea, and the example I provided (two installments for a two hour movie running for 230 MB) was not anywhere near representative. If anything, the sizes they offer are often pretty big, too big for stream downloads. Another problem is their stupid (and sometimes browser-hijacking) pop-ups. Another site with those deadly pop-ups is Watchjavonline, the owner of which is an Akiba-Online member (and sounds like a very nice person), but it's just inexcusable to allow such potential damage-causers, simply to make a few bucks. The people who run these sites should treat their visitors the way they would want to be treated.

Don't forget to use Firefox with its "NoScript" add-on to minimize the possibility of disasters with such sites. Sometimes you've just got to use a browser with no filters, and I've grown accustomed to being "fast on the draw," and to close those pop-ups before they take hold. Those times I fail, I use Task Manager to close the browser... when the pop-ups ask you to "Leave the Page," waiting for a suspicious click... but recently, I've noticed these horrid pop-ups have become so sophisticated, Task Manager has no effect. That's when I usually reboot the computer, which makes me very upset.

No one has mentioned this so far (maybe because it's too obvious and I'm missing the point?) but like the OP said those videos are all from the guy who runs TDarkAngel and you can download them all from that site. The download links are provided just below the link to pornve. That way you get better quality too!
It was not obvious to me, so thanks, Kharo88; I can now see our OP, Qwerty07, indeed mentioned "TDarkAngel," just as you wrote... but TDarkAngel meant nothing to me, because I was not aware of the site.

I just visited, and the most recent additions of that site are on its main page, with no reference to Pornve. Only when I clicked on one of their older "Archives" pages did I notice the Pornve link. The movie I arbitrarily selected was MIAD400, and on its page we may see the Pornve possibility. We can also see screen shots, as well as the site's choice of filehoster for their direct downloading option... one called "Datafile," which I've never tried... but it looks like slow going.

Funny thing, when I tried out the stream from the Pornve link, none of my stream downloading programs picked it up. I've never had a problem with Pornve before, but maybe they have fiddled around with their streams so that they are no longer downloadable?

I took a look at my notes for one of their offerings (JUFD-440), which at the time cooperatively showed up as a 778 MB possibility... but when I tried it now, the downloading programs failed to recognize it.. Looks like Misteezo was on to this apparent change; guess the site owner has made an attempt to force his visitors to go with the unfriendly Datafile links. (Then again, who knows? If one were to try tomorrow, perhaps the streams will be downloadable again.)

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Funny thing, when I tried out the stream from the Pornve link, none of my stream downloading programs picked it up. I've never had a problem with Pornve before, but maybe they have fiddled around with their streams so that they are no longer downloadable?

Mines also don't work, so yeah seems they've made some fixes
I succeeded in downloading a video with iSkysoft iTube Studio but that program isn't free. It's not a browser extention but a seperate program.
Do you guys remember PULP FICTION?

Harvey Keitel in Pulp Fiction.jpg

At one point in the movie, something had gone terribly wrong, which required a specialist to be called in to straighten everything out. Harvey Keitel played this "Fixer."

Now whom do we have in Akiba-Online Land to call, when something goes astray, you know, to fix things?

That's right... good old Electromog!

Leave it to E.M. to come up with the solutions.

F'God's sake, I never heard of this iSkysoft iTube Studio. I see it is good for both Windows and Mac.

I know we are all crooks around here, looking to get someone else's property for free, but if a program like this can address the curves stream providers keep throwing at us, it just might be worth considering. (Of course, I don't know personally how effective this one is, but for it to solve the current Pornve problem is encouraging.)

I see they've got a $19.00 a year plan which is not even under consideration, given that one year can fly by before you know it, and especially since they've got a "lifetime" plan for ten bucks more. Thing that concerns me is the way they describe "1 PC / Lifetime." So if your PC needs to get replaced, this license will not be transferable? (Meaning one would need to shell out the money again?) I don't like it when software companies grasp your balls too tightly. (Don't they know how sensitive my precious balls are? Phooey on them.)

I have no experience with TDarkAngel, but he/she just seems to be reuploading files that are already easily available via Akiba-Online, JAVlibrary, torrents, and elsewhere. And with Pornve, he/she is apparently re-encoding files, many of which have already been re-encoded previously, degrading the video quality even more, for a streaming site. Or am I missing something? Why would you want to download video files meant for streaming when you can easily get the originals that are much higher quality elsewhere?
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Hey, I don't recall being aware of your ever having missed anything, Pikuseru... those were fine observations. I'm sure the person running TDarkAngel/Pornve is not doing any extra work to improve matters, and I am saddened (although not surprised) that he may actually be making things worse by degrading the quality. But this is today's state of "file-sharing," somebody does the ripping, often adds ugly watermarks, does not care about the quality (as they used to generally do, way back when), and then all the other ripper-offers take this bad work and put them up in their own bad way. (Rare are those, such as the one who has given your post a "Like," who go out of their way to do things right.) A lot of folks with super-high-speed Internet capacity (I ain't one) have become accustomed to the HD versions of JAV, and there is now a recent thread (here on "Discussion") of users lamenting about how things have gone from bad to worse.

Reason why I prefer streaming is because (besides not minding the quality being less than first-rate; JAVs I love are rare, and when I encounter one, that's when I consider making the "investment" to get the fatter files) the direct downloads can be frustrating with the CAPTCHAs and the waiting times, and especially the slow speeds (note my note above for Datafile, filehoster of choice for TDarkAngel), and also streams have traditionally offered the advantage of being smaller-sized, helping me with download times and storage space. ('Course, the stream world has changed as well, and those Videomegas and Videowoods and Openloads often offer sizes that are now the same as the big fat direct downloads.)

I think you should consider using P2P (e.g. torrents) if you don't like direct downloads. Sometimes, usually I will DD, but sometimes I use P2P. Streams should be a last resort.

But I guess you download a lot more JAV than me. My JAV library, at 106GB, is pathetic compared to most others on A-O, so I never had any problem waiting for downloads.
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From the new "Violated JAV" thread I noticed a recommendation for SHKD-321. Checked, didn't have it in the collection. Wish I knew what made it so special (Recommender Birsha only stated it was a favorite, without explaining why), but after learning the movie featured Tenant, it was worth looking around to see if the movie was available.

Tenant, doing what Tenant does, with An Nanba

Given that the movie is from 2008, not too many options. I noticed a DDL, or Direct Downloading, option that went for apparently 3 GBs (from the movie's JavLibrary page — here is the original) but I don't need the movie that badly. Another option from the same page offered a multi-link possibility that was half the size, but from the takes-forever FBOOM filehoster... nope, not good enough. (Damn! I am so picky.)

Ah! There is a stream available... now you're talking!

But... oh. It's from Pornve. (Damn!)

Don't we have some geeky members around here who can figure the technical possibilities out?

Thanks to Electromog, we have learned there is a way to grab movies from Pornve, but I don't feel like shelling out for his revealed program, which has its own drawbacks, as I wrote above.

So let me inspire the smart guys around here who can come up with some answers. I looked around to see what may work. You may benefit from what is to follow for sites other than Pornve.

We'll be using as our example, the Pornve page for SHKD-321, which is:

(Holy cow! It's hot off the press, having been uploaded only ten days ago.)

Thing is, this video has been made possible by JWPLAYER, and I know from experience that particular company has made downloading a big problem.

Since I am a stream enthusiast, I did investigate how to make JWPLAYER obey, a long time ago. I ran into pages that went into "RTMP." Someone had come up with a solution, in fact, but these are all tech whizzes speaking to each other, and I could not make heads or tails of their gibberish. (I need clear, step-by-step instructions!)

Two pages that came up addressing JWPLAYER specifically also got into RTMP, but... I mean, whaa-aa?

What are you supposed to do with that..?

The first link offered a solution using rtmpdump and rtmpsuck, providing a page with "detailed instructions":

It's not written badly, but I still couldn't understand what to do.

I had spent some time long ago trying to understand RTMP, and I went so far as to download related programs, but I just gave up. I guess I have an aversion to trying to understand, now. One of the other links tout a program called " RTMPDumpHelper" and the page

...Is actually written clearly so that even dummies like me might be able to comprehend. Yet... I can't bear investing in the learning curve.

RTMP probably is not going to be relevant for Pornve, if its not coming up via a search in the Pornve source page is an indication. (But maybe that's not the way things work.)

One of the RTMP search hits led to a YouTube video which was especially attractive, given my incredible ignorance (nothing like show and tell, yew know).

The maker of the video targeted only product from U.S. television's CBS site, but no doubt the knowledge could be extended to other video sites. See, I was able to understand what was going on here, and the information was pretty valuable.

They tell you to download a program called "RTMPExplorer." Then you view the page source of the video page. (You do that by right-clicking on the page, and there should be something like "View page source," depending on the wording of your browser.) And then you hunt for the "HTTP" url link that contains "SWF."

I know from experience that the "SWF" business shows up in a lot of video page sources, so this is really good information.

Then you open up the RTMPExplorer program, which you would naturally need to download and install, and the program gives you two boxes. You paste the link containing "SWF" into one of the boxes, and in the second box, the downloading of that video begins. Soon, you will get an FLV file of that video in the directory that contains RTMPExplorer.

Neat, huh? (I'm just taking their word for this, I haven't tried it.)

So let's open up the source page for our SHKD-321 example from Pornve, which is reproduced within the "spoiler" button below:

We may see this solution was a bust for Pornve, because they don't utilize SWF. (Given that SWF does not come up via "Find," or Control Key + "F" key.) At least not for this particular page.

Here was my second finding, as long as I was on YouTube.

Unfortunately, the speaker of this video did not speak clearly and had an accent, and his screen capturing was fuzzy. But from what I could understand, what you do is (with Chrome as the example for the browser):

1) Go to that last icon with the three stripes at the upper right of Chrome.
2) "More Tools"
3) "Developer Tools"
4) That's going to open a window (with site info) which you can undock into a separate window
5) Click on "Network"
6) Open up the (Pornve, in this case) video page and play the video.

Once the video takes hold, you will see a bar form, indicating activity. You go to the "Name" column, and copy the link... which turned out to be this:

Developer Tool.jpg
The long blue bar is the one to focus on, the big ones indicating videos that are playing.

The next step is to paste the link into a new tab, and that activated Chrome's downloading function.

Unfortunately, it was one of those one-second downloads, meaning the roadblocks that Pornve has put in place have disallowed this technique.

Still, this is amazing knowledge for other stream sites. Another YouTube page with a narrator who is much more understandable (but far too talkative... trying to be funny and entertaining, when all you want is no-nonsense instructions) who covers the same topic, more or less, is here.

The browser of choice on that tutorial video is Internet Explorer, and we also get tips on Firefox, as well.

Now the last thing that I learned was Screen capture. I never have tried this, because the usual software that is used for this (Camstudio is a popular one... here is a useful YouTube tutorial for that) can't record the audio (I think the audio from your computer's speakers is used), which means the quality will probably be almost unacceptable. My understanding is that the video quality may not be too hot either, unless you know how to fool around with the settings.

What grabbed my attention, however, was that the video player that everyone has, VLC, has a screen capturing tool.

In VLC, you go to "Media," and from there, "Capture Device."

My version of VLC (2.1.3) barely has anything, but, evidently, in order to make this work, you need to pick up two filters, "Media Looks" and "UScreen," respectively available from:

That's from the YouTube tutorial from here.

So that is all I've been able to find out for now, and unfortunately, none of the options (save possibly for the last one) will work with Pornve.

Aren't there ANY smarty-pants out there who can come up with a solution?

See this post for a success story with

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