Help understanding initials


New Member
Feb 21, 2013
Hello good people! :)

Could anyone please explain or direct me to a thread where the initials are explained? (assuming there is a logic behind it ofc)
When I want to search for a specific category, english doesn't always seem to be sufficient. And by initials I'm talking about references like [ALD-xxx] or [PTV-xxxx] or [VS-xxx] and so on. It would make my life on this forum so much easier!
Those are dvd code, it's easier to find a specific title by the code instead of the title or name
the code always is on the side of the cover near the dvd logo

like this (in the green box said TSDV-41519)
Besides being a DVD code they don't neccesarily represent anything, just a way to reference, cataogue and differentiate one title from another.