HELP with Private Messages and Passwords


New Member
Sep 28, 2009
As a newbie, I am a little timid about this . . . .

I spent two days slowly downloading a massive file post, only to find that WinRAR requires a password. There was no password posted. Twice I have tried to send a PM to the member who posted the file: neither time has the message been delivered.

The member who posted the file is a very good poster --- but without a password his/her efforts are as futile as other members' effort to view their contributions . . . . .

If an administrator will contact me I can provide specific information. I do not want to publicly complain about this particular, excellent poster/member. The problem is obviously just an oversight . . . . .
maybe the receiver ot the PM just cannot read english? There´s a lot of them here at A-O.

Thanks to all of you. I have received a PM from the poster, with the password. For reasons unknown to me, my initial message never went through to him/her.

Thanks again.

This is a great community. :-)