Japanese Title : イースvs.空の軌跡 オルタナティブ·サーガ
Engliash Title : Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki: Alternative Saga
Publisher : Falcom
Genre : ARPG Game
Available On : Play Station Portable (PSP)
Size : 1.02GB
Format : ISO
Players : 1
Description :
Featuring Falcom's two stellar RPGs Sora no Kiseki and Ys, Alternative Saga is a fighter that lets you find out who's more powerful than whom and what would happen when Adol and Estelle meet. Taking place in the beautiful and enchanting world of Zanado, the two casts will fight for the position of the Sword of Saints- DragonSlayer.
Both battles and scenarios are fully voiced, listen to Estelle, Joshua and Adol interact between battles. This game connects Sora no Kiseki with the seventh Legend of Heroes RPG series, come crop a view of the new characters that'll show up.
One vs one, one vs two or one vs three? Choose your opponent and choose your fighting style in the multiplayer mode, see who's the best fighter in Falcom.