Hi! New to Akiba Online


New Member
Nov 13, 2009
Hello everyone. I am Peaterr Desoza. I am just now working on my project. I worked on it yesterday, and I got a lot done. But I have a lot still to do. I live in SE Tennesee, USA. It is beautiful country here amid the Appalachian Mountain chain. We are close to the Great Smokey Mountains, with Gatlinburg as its resort village.

I have so many hobbies that time doesn't allow me to fully pursue them all. Every day I work on the computer. I love the PSP program, and I am taking several lessons to learn more about the complex tools that it has. I am also learning Oracle 9i. I have made three presentations so far. I love music and easy listening. I write prose, poetry, and didactic writings.

I am sure there's a lot of interesting topics and discussions happening on this forum and wanted to check it out.

This is about it.

Peaterr Desoza
Wow quite an informative introduction!

Welcome, I hope you like it here