Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear Solid is good but....


New Member
May 21, 2017
Death Stranding needs dialogue, Not the MGS 5 treatment. An actor on T.V. Doesn't mean they make a good voice actor.
Right when Hideo said open world, I said F***.
Konami did wrong , but they wasn't thinking about Kiefer Sutherland, Kojima was.
Gameplay might be good. I just want a story like before. Not trash.
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I agree. I started getting into MGS since Revengeance, played it for Platinum's hack and slash action glory, but I got sucked in by the story and the dialogues. Then I played MGS1-3, I love the series. It's a bit of a turn off when I hear secondhand that Kojima was tired of making MGS and wants to move on to something else. Death Stranding seems to be more about cinematic hype so far. I hope it's as deep and as philosophical as the MGS series. It fed my soul for years.
for sure death stranding would be good enough to stay as a "top tier" like metal gear, i wait a good content in the game, not a generic shooter, for a "cinematic" game, they just need to do something like the metal gear snake eater (the special dvd subsistence or something like that, is the whole game as a video movie
Yeah, not to mention so far the theme and story seem like nonsense. Not to speak too soon, good content will be good
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