... Is this the highway to heaven?
These two eerie pink stripes appeared last
Wednesday, September 24, 2014 in the sky
over Switzerland.
Chemtrail conspiracy theory: Mysterious stripes in
the sky over Hinwil. Photo: 20 min.
Early Wednesday morning, two lines forming a " V "
on the horizon appeared in the sky over Switzerland.
The devil lives in the Prime Tower
(highest building in Switzerland).
Photo: 20min.
According to the chemtrail (chemical trail) conspiracy
theory long-lasting trails left in the sky by high-flying
aircraft are chemical or biological agents deliberately
sprayed for sinister purposes undisclosed to the
general public.
The two mysterious stripes were clearly
visible in Graubünden. Photo: 20min.
Believers in the theory argue that normal contrails
(condensation trails), dissipate relatively quickly, and
contrails that do not dissipate must contain additional
So what the hell is this highway to heaven?
Contrails or chemtrails? Photo: 20min.
For scientists, chemtrails are a pure fiction
without any evidence…
Well of course, no?
Such trails are simply normal water-based contrails
which are routinely left by high-flying aircraft under
certain atmospheric conditions.
At least, these two mysterious stripes were an
eerie sky phenomena. Photo: 20min.
But remember that weather manupulation, so spraying
chemicals in the sky to induce cloud formation and rain
is actually being used all over the world…
Pretty much what chemtrails are, no?
The sky of Zurich is marvelous at 7 am.
Amazing chemtrails ! Photo: 20min.
Well .... for Swiss meteorologists, these strange clouds in the sky
were " nothing more than clouds created by airplanes."
Pretty boring explanation, isn’t it ?
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