ボイン vs 巨乳


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
Just curious. Today I watched an episode of FMA, and in it one of the characters asks: お前、ボイン、好きだろう? Then the other guy answers, 大好きっす、ボイン! And then the word ボイン echoes a few times for comedic effect.

I always thought ボイン was just an adjective that was used to describe a girl's big breasts (as being big), sort of like an onomatopoeia (since *boin* is the supposed noise big boobs make when they jiggle or bounce up and down); but I thought that ボイン was not a grammatically-valid category for breast size. Like ... I thought if you wanted to ask a man, "Do you like big boobs?", you could not ask him "Do you like ボイン?" It would be like asking a man in English, "Do you like strong?" instead of "Do you like strength?" Or like asking him "Do you like quick?" instead of "Do you like speed?" It's not correct grammar to ask "Do you like [adjective]?", and the times you hear an adjective which fits are the times it's both its own adjective and noun. Like, "Do you like green?" Green here is a noun, referring to the color green, but of course it's also an adjective.

Final comparison: in Japanese, you wouldn't ask a man "デカイ、好きだろう?" You would ask him either a compound word (like デカパイ) or more commonly you'd just ask him "Do you like big ones?", or "デカイのは、好きだろう?"

So my question is, was I right or was I wrong? Is ボイン just an adjective in Japanese, and it's really unnatural for somebody to ask another man, "Hey, do you like ボイン?" ; or is it both an adjective as well as a noun, and it's okay to ask a man if he likes ボイン?

And my second question is, ONLY FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO LIVE OR HAVE LIVED IN JAPAN, which of the two terms would you say you heard most commonly when a guy was saying "I like big boobs": 巨乳 (or similar -乳 based terms), or ボイン?
Japanese nominalizes adjectives all the time. The grammatical breakdown is as follows:

- A normal sentence might look like this: 「でかい胸が好き?」 (Do you like big breasts?)
- If 胸 is introduced prior or implied, you can replace it with the particle の which acts as a pronoun: 「胸って、小さいかでかいか、どっちが好き?」 (For breasts, do you like big ones or small ones?)
- The の pronoun particle is so frequently used in this way that it is often dropped (just like many other particles) and implied: 「胸っつば、小さい、でかい、どっち?」 (Speaking of breasts, big or small?)

You are right in that you would not use でかい in such a way, but that's because でかい is such a general adjective that can be used to describe so many things (food, books, buildings, trains, insects, etc) that you must specify the topic -- でかい by itself does not imply any specific context.

On the other hand, ボイン can have a context without specifying the topic precisely because its range of usage is incredibly small. A quick search on Japanese dictionaries shows a translation for 1) Boeing aircraft company, and 2) A woman with large breasts (slang), derivative of the connotation associated with "boing" in the english slang. So as long as you know the context, there's little chance of misunderstanding the meaning.

The english equivalent might be, "Hey buddy, you like 'em bouncy?", possibly accompanied by "boing boing" gesture around the breasts. Or just saying "boing boing" as a well-endowed woman walks past. The context is understood sans stating it explicitly.

Also remember that Japanese shows, especially anime, are rife with memes. It would be no different than if any number of English memes (I CAN HAZ, O HAI, POOL'S CLOSED, Anonymous, etc) made their way into mainstream Western media (see Family Guy episode Rickroll). If there is an associated connotation, only those that are in-the-know will understand the joke/reference.

Accordingly, 巨乳 is more widely used since it's the literal way of referring to large breasts; your friends would really need to know slang for you to want to use ボイン with them. おっぱい is also used, even though technically おっぱい neither specifies big or small -- but just as in english, we say that women have breasts while men don't even though medically speaking men do; it's just that women's are obviously bigger and thus we associate "breasts" with "big", ergo colloquial usage.
Great explanation, guy. Couldn't have done better myself.

As for which word Japanese guys use more, I usually hear them just describe the kind they like whether it be 美乳・微乳、巨乳、爆乳、水カップ, etc. I've never heard ボイン used in that context, but that could also quite possibly be because the people I know just don't use that particular word.

In English, as you know, we also have a very wide array of slang words for breasts (among other body parts), and a particular circle of friends may have a favourite slang word that they use often as opposed to other popular ones that others may use. I suspect the case is the same in Japan.
I understand ボイン is a noun in the first place. It was once widely used. ボインチャン(boin-chan) was also commonly used for a woman with big boobs.

Then デカパイ(dekapai/ deka:big, pai:from oppai=boobs) took its place. 巨乳 has become common only recently.
As an amateur student of linguistics, I would think that any society would have the phrases "big boobs" and "small boobs" in its long list of breast size terminology.

So, can anybody tell me a no-bullshit reason as to why it is that the Japanese language does not contain the terms 大乳 or 小乳?

If it does, let me know; but I've been reading doujins now for ... coming up on 6 years, 5 if you count from when I began to study Japanese, and I don't know that I've ever seen somebody use these terms. I've seen people saying things like 胸が大きい or アンタのは小さい、な?, using the characters for large and for small in full sentences. But I've never seen them use the characters in a compound word like 大乳 or 小乳. Furthermore, the IME does not recognize the kana だいにゅう as the predecessor to 大乳 nor お,こ,しょう, or ちい にゅう as the predecessor to 小乳. だいにゅう is either 代入 or it's 大入. No 乳 in sight.

Don't get me wrong. I love the look of and the sound of the kanji 巨. It's fun to write out and I love how it's not a simple ol' term like 大きい but is more like "enormous" or "massive" or whatever English synonyms for "large" you would prefer to attribute it to. :p :) And also, I realize that 貧乳 specifically deals with being flat-chested whereas saying something like 小乳 could still be interpreted to mean breasts that are present but smaller than the speaker's cut-off for 巨乳. But still ...

Linguistically, I just think it's sort of strange that the simplest words for large and for small ("large" and "small"!!!! XD) are nowhere to be found in Japanese breast size terminology.
So, can anybody tell me a no-bullshit reason as to why it is that the Japanese language does not contain the terms 大乳 or 小乳?
Well, every chinese character has various and deep nuances. While 大 and 小 are objective words meaning big and small, 巨 (gigantic) has an exaggeration in itself including a subjective impression such as the astonishment of a viewer and 貧 (poor, humble, scant) implies humorously the pity and despise of a viewer as well. If you woud ask Japanese why they don't say 大乳 or 小乳 for large or big breasts, they would simply say they lack nuances and also don't sound right phonetically.

By the way your nick 搾乳者, a compound of 搾乳 and 者, would sound weird to native speakers. :chinesenewyearm:
大 can also be read as おお, as in 大盛/おおもり (eg at McDonalds: I'd like that supersized, please).

The reason 大 isn't used with 乳 is probably because its usage isn't always about literal/physical size but often used to "quantify" abstract things (in terms of varying degrees): think 大好き, 大ピンチ, 大雨. Because of the ambiguity between literal and abstract amounts, it's possible a listener/reader would be confused as to whether you like big breasts, or lots of breasts.

An english phrase with equivalent ambiguity might be, "a ton of tits".

You could say 大きな胸 (she has a large chest), but it's not immediately obvious if you're talking about literal size, or making a double-meaning (as in: she sure is confident/boastful/showy).

巨 and デカ are (afaik) almost always used for describing physical size of a specific object, thus less likely to be obscure.

It may also be worth it to suggest that by the vernacular, using the phrase 巨乳 could come off as somewhat derrogatory/brash -- which in many cases is probably the point. In english, there's no point to beat around the bush in mentioning a girl's "large chest"; one way or another it's probably going to be considered rude, so you might as well go ahead and say "huge tits".
Of course it does. :D It's a totally made-up "Janglish" word. Then again, so are things like 医者大学, and I learned to get used to using that one -- and explaining it to native speakers -- a long time ago.

For what it's worth, we don't have a masculine word for my name in English, either. We have "milkmaid," but that has an inescapably feminine connotation to it. And the term "milkman" is almost exclusively used to describe the old-fashioned professional milk deliveryman who left bottles of milk at your door. A farmer who milks his cow is called in English ... "a farmer who milks his cow." XD There's no job class name for it.

I tried finding a simple compound noun in Japanese and, surprise surprise, I came up short. Sure, I found tons of phrases with 搾乳 in them. And I found many examples of a person doing the 搾乳ing. But there was no 搾乳人. No 搾乳方. No 搾乳者. No nothin'.

So, I made it up. 'Cause I thought it sounded snazzy in English. lol

When I signed up here, I also tried to make a name that would work with 好み and 搾乳 but again I couldn't find a one-word solution. I didn't want to be called "Sakunyuugasukihito." LOL I didn't want to be called "Sakunyuunodaifan." XD And it'd be weird to just call me "Sakunyuu," especially to speakers of Japanese. "What the ... his name is 'the act of milking'? O_o"

If I could have said "搾乳 Lover" in three characters, I would have picked that name. But I couldn't. So I didn't.
搾乳 is rarely used and I'm sure many Japanese don't know what it means.

I would suggest 乳搾り人 instead. :chinesenewyearm:
It's got a lone hiragana character in it though. Maybe I forgot to mention this, but I wanted a compound word with no spill-over hiragana. And of course you'll get that from しぼり (訓) but not from サク (音).

Say the word "乳搾り人" outloud and you tell me if it sounds like a user handle. :P :)

Sakunyuusha, on the other hand, sounds like a user handle. Or to me it does. Sort of.

Problem is, neither word is very short. And that sort of kills the user handle image. Oh well.

On a tangential note, I do love the word しぼる though. It's a very pleasant-sounding word even independent from its meaning. I can't say the same for "milking." Sounds sorta ... I dunno ... not pretty? lol
To be more precise, they use 搾乳 for milking a woman and 乳しぼり (chichi-shibori) for milking a cow, goat and etc. They usually say 「今日牛の乳しぼりをしました」 instead of 「今日牛の搾乳をしました」 for "I milked a cow today". And they never use 乳しぼり for women. That would be very derogatory, levelling women with livestock. I thought you liked milking animals but maybe I was wrong. :XD:

If you love milking women, I recommend 搾乳愛好家. It's long but sounds very fetishistic. lol
I do like it. That vector art is pretty awesome. But ... why post it here? ^^; I don't mind! But I think people will not notice it. I think you should post a thread just for these. Then more people will be likely to notice and appreciate them. :)

buttobi ... LOL! XD I'm glad we kept talking, then, 'cause that would have been pretty bad if I'd left you with the impression that I liked milking animals. XD No no no, I'm not into bestiality (although I'm not necessarily against a well-told, well-drawn bestiality hentai story either. I'm neither for nor against the fetish overall). What I love is lactating women. Lactating human females. XD :)

搾乳愛好家 is a pretty long name in romaji. If we were a Chinese or Japanese board, I might consider signing up with that user handle. I'll save it to Notepad so I don't forget it. Thank you. :)
I see. No, I didn't think you were into bestiality. I thought you loved just the act of milking animals as a hobby. It was hard for me to think someone could love lactating women since, you know, not everyone has a chance to do it repeatedly. lol
I would like to milk a woman. I would like to have sex with a nice woman period. :P

My name is more a reflection of my fetish than it is of my behavior or history. XD
@buttobi and Sakunyuusha, a SUPER mod moved my little arts.

yes, because your little arts had nothing in common with the topic of this thread...

I do like it. That vector art is pretty awesome. But ... why post it here? ^^; I don't mind! But I think people will not notice it. I think you should post a thread just for these. Then more people will be likely to notice and appreciate them. :)

So it´s not only me...
I was the one who brought it up, yes? I politely encouraged you to post a new thread. I said I didn't mind, with the understanding that they were neat vectors and there were only two of them. Anticipating that you might make more, I suggested you start a thread for them.

So if you want to get upset with anybody, then get upset with me. Red was just doing his job. I didn't ask him to explicitly, but he must have read what I wrote and figured he was doing me a favor.

And he was. This was a thread about Japanese sex terms, not about mod power abuse or about vectors.

Your vectors are still awesome though. :)
Mod didn't know we were friends. But how could he have known?

I assure you, SUSUMU, that the mods, as well as Admin, are very generous and competent on this forum. I like them, too. That's why I'm here. You know, I won't be active where I can't trust the board administration.

Maybe you will realize it sooner or later if you keep posting. So let's go back to our business, OK?