How can I screen capture when the software won't preview the video at all?


筋肉熟女 の 愛好家 The Muscle Madam Worshipper
Jul 12, 2015
I want to preserve some purchases I made by using OBS to capture what I play through a streaming app [legal purchase], but OBS doesn't preview the video whatsoever. The audio is fine, and the media bar [play, pause, etc.] is shown, but the video doesn't appear. Is this some sort of DRM that prevents video capture software from touching the streaming file?
usually the obs capture loses a bunch of quality. you might want to look into whether the site is supported by streamfab software. its not free or cheap but they do support DMM and Fanza. I have not used it for those sites but for other mainstream streaming sites it works for direct capture of the stream data. Resolution will vary depending on DRM level that they have reverse engineered for that site.
There is also a hardware capture card that will bypass any drm, but you lose quality that way too since it requires re-encoding the video, same as with obs.