How Come in Some Members' Profiles...


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
...We can learn the last activity... and in other members' profiles we cannot?

Member Profile 1.jpg

Member Profile 2.jpg

While I've got you, here's something else I've been curious about for a long enough time... some members restrict the viewing of their profiles. Why would they do that? (I can't think of one single reason. We are all anonymous... who cares? I mean, what POSSIBLE reason... could there be?)

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The Right of Privacy
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Ohhh, I 'm all for that most endangered of species, the Right to Privacy; in fact, in my country, there is even a Fourth Amendment protecting that right, although no one seems to care about it. In the world of Akiba-Online membership, on the other hand, that explanation is completely irrelevant. As mentioned, we are all anonymous.

A-O profile headings.jpg

One might say, even when anonymous, some may feel shy. All right, so let's look at the headings of the membership page. Aside from the stats in the left column (number of messages, likes, trophy points, media & albums, and followers... knowledge of which seems totally harmless), we've got "Profile Posts," where other members may post messages to the member. (So what? Let 'em.) We've got "Recent Activity" and "Postings," which may additionally be found (at least the "posts"; although not the "likes") if one runs a search with the member's name... no reason to keep those a secret. Then we've got "Information," "Media" and "Albums," all of which are supplied by the member, and thus the member has complete control.

Any other theories as to what possible reason there may be for a member to want to hide in the shadows? I'm asking, because... I sincerely cannot think of a single sensible reason.

Yet that was my secondary curiosity... the main thing I wanted to get a bead on was, why does the "Last Activity" go missing on some members' profile pages?

(That's something under the control of Akiba-Online, for members who do not restrict access to their profile pages. Perhaps there is a bug in the system?)

I have no idea why anyone besides a moderator or admin might want to hide their online status and activity but that option to do so is likely a default setting of the board rather than something set up by Akiba-Online. Maybe some members just don't want others snooping into their activities and that is a predominant enough global feeling that Xenfro included it in their framework. Who knows? Who cares? I mean really, why would you even want to know about another members activities? (I am fairly positive that members cannot hide their activities from moderators though, just other members).

I once found a member, who I "used" to follow (he was on my "friends list" on the old board) had me blocked from even accessing his profile. So I just dropped him from my "follow list" and put our past friendship in my rearview mirror. I wouldn't worry about the people who keep their activities a secret or why they do. Just enjoy the friendships you make here for as long as they last.

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Not a pressing concern whatsoever, as far as why members would restrict a look at their profile pages (in an across-the-board manner, and not in a personal blocking-a-member manner, which may be more understandable)... when I encountered this slammed door numerous times, just got curious over a long period of time. Reason being, could not figure out any reason... and still can't. Thanks for giving your two ceents, Ceewan.

The main curiosity, as to why some members' last activity is seen and others' not, still stands. (I guess only a moderator would have an idea about that one.) Can't be a default setting of a particular board (far as I understand; I don't know how these things work, like, uhhh... whatza Xenfro?), because then everyone would be affected in the same manner.

Neither is a burning question, but when you run into something unusual that appears often enough, you find yourself scratching your head more strenuously. (At least I think that's the reason; so what if I haven't showered in three months?)

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The main curiosity, as to why some members' last activity is seen and others' not, still stands. (I guess only a moderator would have an idea about that one.) Can't be a default setting of a particular board (far as I understand; I don't know how these things work, like, uhhh... whatza Xenfro?), because then everyone would be affected in the same manner.

okay. I finally understand your curiousity. If you click your member name you will come to a page that says "personal details" and on the left you will the heading "settings". Do some investigating of the options under that heading and you should get some answers (hint: click "Privacy"). You too can hide your online status, hide your current activity, restrict those who can view your profile, etc., etc.,. The default settings are set to allow but the settings themselves are part of the board software.

What is Xenforo (yeah, I spelled it wrong... sue me)? It is basically bbs/forum software, a few years ago Akiba-Online used phpbb software.
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Thanks, Ceewan; oh yeah, I am aware a member has ways in which to control such settings, otherwise those members who have chosen to restrict access to their profile pages would have had no way to do so.

Privacy Settings -1.jpg

(If anyone wants to slam the door to the viewing of your profile page, I suppose all you've got to do is uncheck the box before "View your details on your profile page." The question still remains why anyone would even think about doing that, because we are all anonymous; it's not like there is anything on your profile page that can hurt you. See, I was just baffled as to why anyone would make that choice; simple as that.)

Privacy Settings -2.jpg

In regards to my main wonderment, as to why we see the "Last Activity" on some profile pages and not others, the closest control in the Privacy page is "Show your current activity." But I don't think that has anything to with showing the last time a member has signed in, because that one "will allow other people to see what page you are currently viewing." So I will still continue scratching my poor old head on the "Last Activity" question.

(I suppose there may be a way for members to control the display of their "Last Activity" but I don't see it, at least not on the Privacy page. If there is no way for a member to control that, why do some members show the "Last Activity" and some members do not? Yep, that was the main question. If no one can answer that, my next question is "To Be... or Not to Be?")

not here. but at another forum. i let it be known in my personal profile that i once jacked off a dog. all hell broke loose. since then, i've learned to be more discreet.
since then, i've learned to be more discreet.

huh?! wait a minute! You just did it again! (not that I care, I am sure the dog really appreciated it)

just ribbing ya bro but you might want to edit your comment.
huh?! wait a minute! You just did it again! (not that I care, I am sure the dog really appreciated it)

just ribbing ya bro but you might want to edit your comment.

not sure if anybody cares here, so long no harm comes to the dog
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"...You might want to edit your comment."

Barba was only joking.

Now that we've had our laughs, my two questions remain alive, and unanswered.

"...You might want to edit your comment."

Barba was only joking.

Was he now? Just having a little fun was he? Animals have feelings too.

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I'd think if the pooch was jacked off, he'd have little reason to feel sad.

I'll mention an unfortunate result of members hiding profiles. I came across one member who had done so, and on the thread itself I invited him to come by to this thread to offer an explanation... along with providing new links to a download he was interested in, where the original link was taken down. Another member revealed he was the reason why the link was taken down, and the new ones would soon follow. I decided to play good samaritan and PM the first member to let him know he may want to act fast. After the time I spent composing the PM, I got the "Following Error" notice:

error conversation.jpg

So here is a destructive side effect of making one's profile inaccessible; luckily, this was a quick note, but can you imagine spending oodles of time composing a PM, only to have this door slammed in your face?

In fact, here is another time the same thing happened with me.

Since no one so far has been able to come up with an explanation as to what possible reason there could be to hide a profile, what I thought of doing was ask such members "Why?" each time I came across another hidden profile. But then I realized I would not be able to do so, 'cause you can't PM them. Perhaps one day I (and anyone else who has grown to be curious) will understand the inexplicable reason(s).

In the meantime, it's really my main curiosity that I hope to get addressed, as to why the "Last Activity" does not show up in all cases.

Perhaps Akiba-Online has changed the rules, or perhaps the function was directed by members... but I have subsequently discovered at least some members who restrict profiles are now PM'able.


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Sometimes you wish your online personna could be a bit more private. Silly i know but it is what it is. No rhyme no reason just silly things we do at times :)
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You have to choose privacy options on your first connect, and i tend to be restrictive before knowing implications.
This is why a lot of people have protected profile: they choseed once, and as no-one can tell them, it stay that way.

Glad you send me here, i can now communicate ! :)
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Since you've asked me to come here via PM.

The reason is simply because I feel comfortable this way.

The thought that someone might be watching what I have done or am doing right now, especially on the Internet, makes me feel uneasy. "We are all anonymous, why do you care?" "If you haven't done anything wrong, why do you have to care?" You'd say. But I just do care. This is in my nature.

I'm the kind of person who goes deleting all his own Tweets in a few days or even an hour and gets peace of mind from obliterating all the trace.

I wish that AO will make available a function of not only editing one's own post but also deleting it.

I am certain that I'll be regretting this post soon enough and wishing to delete it or at least edit it to something like "a test comment". Should you make a reply to me, please do not quote this message.

Thanks for your understanding.

why do you post?
to share information or just to be annoying?
You mention that this board is anonymous and nobody need worry about whats visible on their profile. People can be identified by what, why, where, who and how they post. Hiding this can support anonymity, if the member feels this needs to be done.
What if your user ID gets exposed or doxed by a annoyed person/troll? Hiding your activity can help you minimize this. I have made friends in this world where we admire the female form, several of whom can identify my actual self.

Also, people have different facets of personality. Say I like X and make friends with people who also like X. If any of them look and see me posting/replying to Y content, some may be upset/offended/put off and what was/is a good friendship be lost.

Now you may tell me these people are not true friends if they dump you for liking Y, but remember how many friends you would loose if you announced on facebook/twitter/work notice board/party that you like to watch idols/jav/hentai.

tldr; In short, hiding part of yourself can be beneficial to other parts of yourself.
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